White House

White House Supports Bill Lifting Debt Limit to 2013

The White House said on Saturday it "strongly supports" a bill being considered in the House of Representatives that incorporates both Democratic and Republican ideas and would raise the debt limit to early 2013.

Mood Tense as Lawmakers Struggle for Debt Deal

U.S. President Barack Obama
A bitter mood prevailed on Capitol Hill as lawmakers struggled on Saturday to find a compromise measure to lift the nation's $14.3 trillion debt limit three days before the deadline to avert a ruinous default.

Debt Talks: Reid Modifies Plan to Win GOP Support

U.S. Debt Talks
Led by Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., Senate Democrats Saturday worked feverishly to modify Reid's original debt plan in order to attract Senate Republicans. But a GOP Senate filibuster is expected late Saturday or Sunday, which, if it holds, would leave the U.S. without a debt ceiling increase, two days before a default.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

Lawmakers race against clock on debt limit

Facing a deadline to avoid a ruinous default, congressional leaders on Saturday braced for a tense weekend of negotiations to try to reach a compromise on a measure to increase in the country's $14.3 trillion debt limit.
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California Governor Jerry Brown speaks after vetoing the budget passed the day before by state legislators in Los Angeles, California June 16, 2011.

California moves presidential primary to June

California has moved its presidential primary to June, consolidating trips to the poll to save money in an election that most voters in the Democratic leaning state see as a foregone conclusion.
For Discussion: U.S. Leadership

What Would Harry Truman Do to Solve the Debt Crisis?

He is the author of "The buck stops here." And: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!" And: "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog." Sounds like the perfect person to solve the U.S.'s seemingly intractable debt deal crisis.
Varoius Euro banknotes lay next to various Swiss Franc notes in this picture illustration at a bank in Warsaw

Dollar May Bounce on Downgrade, but Destiny is Dark

Lawmakers were still unable to reach an agreement on the U.S. debt ceiling on Friday, but there is no arguing that the dollar's safe-haven appeal should remain trumped by the Swiss franc and Japanese yen.
2012 Election

Tea Party shows its clout in debt debate

They have been accused of holding Washington hostage by pushing the United States to the brink of a damaging debt default. The world is watching anxiously as the debt impasse drags on.
U.S. Deficit

Republicans pass Budget Deficit Plan

The House of Representatives approved a Republican plan to cut the budget deficit on Friday that is doomed to defeat in the Senate but which could pave the way for a bipartisan compromise to avert a U.S. debt default.
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Americans press Congress on debt via phones, Twitter

Americans took to the phone lines and the Internet on Friday after President Barack Obama urged them again to call lawmakers and weigh in on a war over raising the U.S. debt limit that has sharply divided Congress.
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Treasury may drop bonds sales with no debt deal

The government prepared Wall Street firms on Friday for the possibility it may have to delay or cancel a major round of bond sales if Congress doesn't raise the nation's borrowing limit by August 2.
President Barack Obama

Pending Debt Ceiling Vote, Obama urges compromise

With four days left before the United States hits its debt limit, Republicans pressed ahead with a deficit plan that cannot pass Congress and President Barack Obama told lawmakers to stop wasting time and find a way "out of this mess."
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Pending Debt Ceiling Vote, America's Youth Have Most to Lose

With America edging closer to a default and a downgrade in credit rating, some realizations are starting to hit America's youth about their future. The consequences of the partisan squabbling of their parents' generation may leave them with little to inherit and much to despise.

Bush to Join Obama for 9/11 Anniversary Services

After initially declining President Barack Obama's May offer to accompany him at memorial services at Ground Zero, former President George W. Bush has changed his mind, saying he will stand side-by side with the commander-in-chief to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.
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Wall Street falls in latest twist to debt squabble

Stocks slid back into the red on Friday after remarks from a prominent Senate Democrat gave investors another reason to back away from stocks heading into a weekend full of uncertainty over default.
President Barack Obama

Obama Makes Urgent Plea for Compromise on Debt Ceiling

In an eleventh hour plea for political compromise, as the Aug 2. debt ceiling deadline inches closer, President Barack Obama urged Congress to avoid a government default by finding a bipartisan solution. On Friday, he said he was ready to work with top Democrats and Republicans through the weekend to reach one.
For Discussion: U.S. Leadership

Debt Talks: America?s Calling, Harry Truman

A do-nothing U.S. House and a president whose political base is starting to wonder what he stands for. Yes, the debt deal impasse is revealing a crisis of leadership in Washington. It?s as if the U.S.?s highest elected officials have forgotten what?s important. Former President Harry S. Truman always knew. And he led.
President Barack Obama

Obama Says Time Is Running Out For Debt Deal

With four days remaining until the United States hits its debt limit, President Barack Obama on Friday told deeply divided Republicans and Democrats to stop bickering and find a way "out of this mess."


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