Obama losing sleep as debt deal goes down to wire

U.S. President Barack Obama participates in a town hall meeting at the University of Maryland in College Park
President Barack Obama is deeply involved in trying to win a debt deal and his White House was working flat out, aides said, pushing back against any impression Congress had sidelined the administration.
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Speaker of the House John Boehner spekas during a news conference on Capitol Hill

Vote delayed on debt bill as default date looms

A Republican deficit reduction plan headed for two major votes in Congress on Thursday and its expected demise could force a compromise to avert an imminent and unprecedented debt default.
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S&P: Deficit cuts of $4 trillion a good start

Cutting the U.S. deficit by some $4 trillion over 10 years would be a good start, but more savings would be needed over time to bring the country's finances under control, ratings agency Standard & Poor's said on Thursday.
Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney greets voters during a campaign stop in Los Angeles, California

Analysis: Rick Perry run would test Romney's mettle

Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney has been on a glide path toward the 2012 primary elections, serving up a steady diet of soundbites and campaign material attacking President Barack Obama on jobs and the economy.

Russia says will respond to U.S. steps on Sergei Magnitsky

U.S. visa restrictions on Russian officials linked to the death of hedge fund lawyer Sergei Magnitsky could become a "serious irritant" in bilateral relations and provoke a response from Moscow, Russia's Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.
Republican debt plan faces close vote in Congress

Republican debt plan faces close vote in Congress

A bill to cut the deficit faced a nail-bitingly close vote in Congress on Thursday as the top Republican lawmaker sought to quell an internal revolt and push his plan to avoid a ruinous default.
Financial Crisis: U.S. Debt Ceiling in Pictures

With No Deal Yet, Markets Brace for U.S. Default

There's no way to sugarcoat it: financial markets have started to react to the possibility that the U.S. Government might default. Democrats and Republicans in Washington appear to be no closer to a debt deal Thursday than they were last week -- and a damaging default is now staring the nation -- and global markets -- in the face.
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America's Leaders Screwed up my Children's Future

With America edging ever closer to a default, and a downgrade in the US credit rating, some realizations are starting to hit America's youth about their future. The consequences of the partisan squabbling of their parents' generation may leave them with little to inherit and much to despise.
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U.S. Debt Crisis Shakes Youth

If the debt ceiling isn't raised before Aug. 2, or if America's prized AAA credit rating is downgraded, it will mean at least a decade of financial instability to clean up after.
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U.S. Debt Crisis: Will America?s Youth Hate Their Parents' Generation?

With America edging ever closer to a default, and a downgrade in the U.S. credit rating, some realizations are starting to hit America's youth about their future. The consequences of the partisan squabbling of their parents' generation may leave them with little to inherit and much to despise.
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Will America?s Youth Hate Their Parents' Generation?

With America edging ever closer to a default, and a downgrade in credit rating, some realizations are starting to hit America's youth about their future. The consequences of the partisan squabbling of their parents' generation may leave them with little to inherit and much to despise.
Dozens of Tea Party supporters, including one dressed as Captain America

Rival Debt Plans in Doubt, Alternatives Sought

Republicans and Democrats rushed to rework rival deficit reduction plans on Wednesday, but with the fate of both proposals heavily in doubt, top lawmakers pursued a behind-the-scenes compromise to avert a crippling U.S. debt default.


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