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Pentagon Ready to End Gay Military Ban

The Pentagon is preparing to put an end to the 17-year military ban on openly gay service after the Defense Secretary has certified that doing so will not harm the military's ability to fight.
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Wall Street still gives big cash to Obama

Despite howls of protests from many on Wall Street over some of President Barack Obama's policies, financial sector employees are giving at a greater rate to his re-election bid than during his last campaign.
U.S. President Barack Obama

President Obama Op-Ed: 'Do Something Big and Meaningful' on Debt Ceiling [FULL TEXT]

For years now, America has been spending more money than we take in. The result is that we have too much debt on our nation's credit card - debt that will ultimately weaken our economy, lead to higher interest rates for all Americans, and leave us unable to invest in things like education, or protect vital programs like Medicare. Presdient Barack Obama said
Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

Senate to Vote on Republican-Backed Debt Plan

The deadline for U.S. lawmakers to raise the nation's $14.3 trillion borrowing limit draweth nigh, and now it is up to the Democratic-led Senate to vote on the Republican-backed, House-passed plan that would raise the debt ceiling in trade of large cuts in the federal budget. The bill also requires Congress to approve a constitutional amendment for a balanced federal budget, which would then be sent to state legislatures for review.
U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev.

Debt Talks: Democrats Furious About New Proposal

President Barack Obama faces a powerful backlash from his own party for a proposed debt bargain that Democrats see as Obama handing a major victory to Republicans without preserving Democratic priorities.
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What is 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Policy?

The United States will repeal a 1993 law that prohibits openly gay or bisexual people from serving in the military. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen have decided to recommend to President Barack Obama to repeal the Act..
House Republican Leadership

Cantor Gives 'Gang of Six' Plan Mixed Review

The Gang of Six group of U.S. senators was finally able to agree to a deficit-reduction plan on Tuesday, but House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., only give it a mixed review, citing his concern about the plan's revenue target while saying it proposes some constructive ideas.
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Caterpillar, Microsoft seen leading market lower

Stock index futures pointed to a lower open on Friday as a profit miss from Caterpillar and disappointing sales from Microsoft overshadowed strong profits from GE and McDonald's and a new deal to help Greece.
U.S. President Barack Obama (right) with House Speaker John Boehner

Obama, Boehner, Hill Leaders Nearing Debt Deal

President Barack Obama, D-Ill. and Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio moved closer toward a landmark debt deal late Thursday -- one that would avoid a U.S. default and implement major tax code changes, if approved. However, aides to both were lowering expectations, given the importance of the talks, so as to not jeopardize delicate negotiations within each caucus.
U.S. President Barack Obama

Reminscing the Past, the Presidential Way

The ongoing healthcare reforms cannot be isolated from the controversy that has exposed President Barack Obama's desperation to tag along his mother, who was often portrayed as a victim of health care insurers.
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Greek deal lifts stocks, euro; debt talks eyed

World stocks hit a two-week high on Friday and the euro and oil prices rose after European leaders agreed on a package to rescue Greece that hopes to prevent the region's debt crisis from deepening.


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