Economic numbers point to darker outlook

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The frail U.S. economy was dealt fresh setbacks as new U.S. jobless claims scaled a nine-month high last week and Mid-Atlantic factory activity contracted in August for the first time in more than a year.
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India to target Google, Skype messaging next: report

India may shut down Google and Skype Internet-based messaging services over security concerns, the Financial Times reported on Friday, as the government threatened a similar crackdown on BlackBerry services.
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Freddie Mac says needs $1.8 billion from taxpayers

Mortgage finance giant Freddie Mac (FMCC.OB) on Monday said it would need another $1.8 billion in aid from taxpayers, bringing its total request since it was taken over by the government two years ago to more than $64 billion.
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Targeting seniors, Obama touts Medicare report

President Barack Obama reached out on Saturday to retired Americans, an important group of voters, touting a report that showed healthcare reform had brightened prospects for the Medicare hospital trust fund.
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Chrysler posts quarterly loss

Chrysler Group LLC posted a second-quarter net loss on Monday and said it still had an extraordinary amount of work to complete, but its turnaround was on track and it could raise its financial outlook later this year.
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House lawmaker calls for probe of Fannie Mae allegations

The top Republican on the House Financial Services Committee called on Friday for an investigation into charges that mortgage finance giant Fannie Mae pushed borrowers into a mortgage aid program so it could receive incentive payments from the U.S. government.
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Weak private hiring shows recovery on the ropes

U.S. private employers added fewer workers to their payrolls in July than expected and hiring in June was much weaker than had been thought, a big blow to an already feeble economic recovery.
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Economy sheds 131,000 jobs in July

Employment fell for a second straight month in July as more temporary census jobs ended while private hiring rose less than expected, pointing to an anemic economic recovery.
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Obama unveils Ford loan guarantees to boost exports

President Barack Obama lambasted Republicans on Thursday for opposing his auto company bailouts and unveiled a new loan guarantee for Ford Motor Co to help meet his goal of doubling U.S. exports over five years.
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Payrolls likely fell again in July

Employment probably fell for a second straight month in July as more temporary census jobs ended and private hiring remained too weak to boost a fragile economic recovery, according to a Reuters survey.
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Jobless claims raise doubts about economy

New claims for unemployment benefits unexpectedly rose last week to the highest level since early April, highlighting a weak labor market and the fragile economic recovery.
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U.S. payrolls likely fell again in July on census

U.S. employment probably fell for a second straight month in July as more temporary census jobs ended and private hiring remained too weak to boost a fragile economic recovery, according to a Reuters survey.
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Ex-Im Bank unveils Ford loan guarantee

The U.S. Export-Import Bank said on Thursday it approved a loan guarantee for Ford Motor Co to finance $3.1 billion in exports of cars and trucks to customers in Canada and Mexico.
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Ex-Im Bank to unveil Ford loan guarantee: official

The U.S. Export-Import Bank will unveil a loan guarantee on Thursday for Ford Motor Co that will finance $3.1 billion in exports of cars and trucks to customers in Canada and Mexico, a White House official said.
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Geithner blasts Bush policies for debt

The Bush administration's misguided policies are to blame for huge U.S. budget deficits, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner charged on Wednesday as he sought to build an election-year case for ending tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.
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White House: Beginning of the end of Gulf spill

The White House on Wednesday hailed the beginning of the end of efforts to plug and contain the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico but said there was still a lot of cleanup work to be done.
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Obama welcomes BP success in subduing Gulf well

BP Plc claimed a significant milestone in efforts to plug its broken Gulf of Mexico well for good on Wednesday, as a U.S. government report showed nearly three-fourths of the spilled crude had been mopped up or dispersed.


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