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White House says changes to Fannie Freddie on deck

Republicans should not use problems at mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as an excuse to vote against sweeping changes to the rules of Wall Street, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said on Sunday.

Businesses step up criticism of Obama's agenda

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Some business groups, upset about budget and regulatory policies they say are costing jobs, are accusing President Barack Obama of pursuing an agenda that is hurting the U.S. economic recovery.
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SEC pushes tighter market-making rules: sources

Securities regulators are moving quickly to tighten rules for market makers to ensure there is liquidity during stressful times and avoid a repetition of May's brief market crash, said sources familiar with the discussions.
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Issuing of new drill ban over BP depends on case

The Obama administration said on Thursday it will immediately issue a revised ban on deepwater drilling if an appeals court does not allow it to reinstate the six-month moratorium it imposed in the wake of the BP oil spill.
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U.S. court fight looms over drilling ban

BP is aiming to plug its leaking Gulf of Mexico well by July 27, weeks sooner than forecast, according to a newspaper report on Thursday, while a battle between the U.S. government and the oil industry over a deepwater drilling ban heads to court.
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BP boss in MidEast as relief well progresses

BP boss Tony Hayward met with an Abu Dhabi state investment fund on Wednesday, part of a quest for cash to ward off takeovers and help pay for the worst oil spill in U.S. history.
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Timeline: Gulf of Mexico oil spill

Millions of gallons/liters of oil have spewed into the Gulf of Mexico since an April 20 explosion on a drilling rig triggered the worst spill in U.S. history.
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BP shares soar as spill spreads

Drilling of a relief well to halt the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a week ahead of schedule, the U.S. official overseeing the response to the disaster said on Tuesday.
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Obama signs 3-month extension of homebuyer credit

President Barack Obama on Friday signed a law giving consumers already in the process of buying a home three extra months to close the deal and still get a popular tax credit from the government.
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The New Civil Wars Within the West

Internecine civil wars are underway almost everywhere within the West, and most virulently in the United States of America. They are not yet kinetic wars, but wars of grinding prepositioning, the kind which lead to foregone conclusions without a shot being fired. They are wars of survival, nonetheless, because the basic architecture for national strength is being altered incrementally or dramatically. And, in many cases, consciously.
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Weak private hiring in June shows tepid U.S. recovery

U.S. private payrolls rose only modestly in June and overall employment fell for the first time this year as thousands of temporary census jobs ended, indicating the economic recovery is failing to pick up steam.
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Lady Gaga heads for 10 million Facebook fan record

Glam pop singer Lady Gaga is on the brink of becoming the first living person to have 10 million fans on a single social networking site, having already overtaken U.S. President Barack Obama on Facebook, a British group that measures online popularity said on Friday.
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Weak private hiring shows tepid recovery

Private payrolls rose only modestly in June and overall employment fell for the first time this year as thousands of temporary census jobs ended, showing the economic recovery failing to pick up steam.
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Instant View: Nonfarm payrolls fall in June

Employment fell for the first time this year in June as thousands of temporary census jobs ended and private hiring grew less than expected, dealing a blow to President Barack Obama who has identified job creation as a key priority.
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Payrolls fall, private hiring below forecasts

Private payrolls rose less than expected in June and overall employment fell for the first time this year as thousands of temporary census jobs ended, showing the economic recovery is failing to gain traction.
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Indian gold necklaces lose duty-free status in US

In a blow to Indian jewelers, the US has stopped the duty-free status for gold necklaces from India as the product was found to be competitive in US markets. Earlier, US used to allow duty-free status to certain products from developing countries to help them expand their economies. Other items that have been struck off the duty-free list are passenger tyres from Thailand and wood flooring from Brazil.
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Census jobs seen depressing employment in June

Employment likely contracted for the first time this year in June as thousands of temporary jobs for census workers ended, though private-sector hiring probably picked up, according to a Reuters survey.
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Weather hinders oil cleanup

Tropical storm Alex slowed oil spill clean-up and containment work in the Gulf of Mexico and drove more petroleum into fragile Gulf wetlands and beaches on Thursday, with any permanent fix to BP Plc's ruptured deep-sea well still several weeks away.


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