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Voting begins in Senate on Wall Street reform

The U.S. Senate will cast its first votes on Tuesday on a sweeping Wall Street reform bill, with passage of a handful of uncontroversial amendments expected and a key procedural question still unsettled.

BP struggles to stop Gulf of Mexico oil leak

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BP Plc struggled to stop oil gushing unchecked from a ruptured undersea well in the Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday and calmer weather raised hopes of reducing the massive oil slick and limiting its impact on the U.S. shoreline.

Arnold ends support for California oil drilling

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Massive oil spill on the other side of the mainland prompted actor governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of US state California to withdrew his support of a plan to expand oil drilling off the state's coast. The governor had earlier proposed expanding oil drilling off the coast of Santa Barbara County to help close the state's $20 billion budget deficit.
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BP shares extend slide as oil spill expands

Oil giant BP Plc's shares sank further on Monday as the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico continued to grow and the U.S. Justice Department said it was taking part in an investigation of the disaster.
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Massey faces criminal probe for mine blast: sources

Massey Energy Co is under criminal investigation by the FBI after the deadly mine explosion in West Virginia, U.S. officials familiar with the matter said on Friday, news that sent the company's stock plummeting.
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Economy expands as consumers boost spending

The U.S. economy expanded at a 3.2 percent annual rate in the first quarter as consumers increased spending at the fastest pace in three years, the strongest sign yet a sustainable recovery may be taking hold.
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Gulf of Mexico oil spill largest in US history

The massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, leaking from a ruptured well moved closer to the mouth of the Mississippi River. Analysts said the oil spill that threatened to eclipse even the Exxon Valdez disaster spread out of control with a faint sheen washing ashore along the Gulf Coast.
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Senate launches debate on Wall Street bill

The Senate opened debate on Wall Street reform on Thursday with an amendment to bar use of taxpayer funds in any future government actions to dismantle financial mega-firms that get into trouble.
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Pay czar says pay influenced Goldman's bets

The Obama administration's pay czar said on Thursday that the lure of fat paychecks influenced Goldman Sachs Group Inc's bets against subprime mortgages before the market collapsed during the financial crisis.
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Stock futures higher after Fed, Visa earnings

U.S. stock index futures rose on Thursday, looking to add to gains in the previous session after the Federal Reserve pledged to keep rates low for an extended period and Visa reported strong quarterly results.
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Wall Street futures signal gains, earnings in focus

Stock futures pointed to a stronger start for Wall Street on Thursday, adding to gains in the previous session after a pledge by the Federal Reserve to keep rates low, with investors expected to focus on further corporate earnings.
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U.S. deficit serious, action needed: policymakers

U.S. deficit woes are not as dire as the fiscal problems of Greece and other nations, but a quick, credible action plan is still needed to avoid a future crisis, economists and policymakers said on Wednesday.
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Republicans back down on financial reform

A three-day Senate standoff over efforts to overhaul financial regulation ended on Wednesday as Republicans dropped efforts to block a Democratic bill in exchange for a handful of concessions.
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Merkel demands faster Greek rescue, Spain downgraded

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday Greece's international bailout must be accelerated for the sake of the entire euro zone, as the far bigger Spanish economy suffered a credit rating downgrade.
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Could growth trump unemployment in election?

If the unemployment rate remains high, it is received political wisdom that President Barack Obama's ruling Democrats will be punished by the voters in congressional elections in November.
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Bank rule reform falls short again in Senate

Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked a sweeping overhaul of banking rules for a second straight day as they sought to extract more concessions from Democrats eager to crack down on Wall Street.
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Senate Republicans block bank reform bill again

For a second time in as many days, U.S. Senate Republicans mustered enough votes on Tuesday to block debate of a Democratic bill that would bring the biggest overhaul of financial regulation since the 1930s.
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Senate faces fresh vote on bank rule reform

A sweeping overhaul of banking rules appeared to be headed toward another roadblock in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, although an influential Republican predicted it ultimately will pass the chamber.
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Eventual bank reform passage seen, votes loom

Influential Republican Senator Judd Gregg said on Tuesday he expects the Senate to eventually pass a financial reform bill as Democrats moved to force a series of votes to try to open debate on the measure.
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Bernanke warns budget commission on deficits

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told a bipartisan budget commission on Tuesday the country's deficits are on an unsustainable path, and will require remedial action from policymakers.
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Bernanke says prompt action needed on deficit

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Tuesday the country's budget deficit is on an unsustainable path and requires near-term action from policymakers to avoid dangerous outcomes.
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Financial reform bill stumbles in Senate

The most sweeping overhaul of U.S. banking rules since the Great Depression stumbled in the Senate on Monday as Republicans united to prevent action on the bill.


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