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Goldman shouldn't be judged as evil empire

Goldman Sachs Group Inc will want a judgment based on 'merits and facts' in the fraud case against it rather than popular opinion that it is an 'evil empire', a senior lawyer from the firm that represents it said on Monday.

Goldman, CEO hit with investor lawsuit

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Goldman Sachs Group Inc and Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein were hit with a shareholder lawsuit claiming they hid key details about a risky transaction that resulted in civil fraud charges and a plummet in its stock price.

Financial reform nears test in Senate

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The most sweeping overhaul of financial regulation since the Great Depression was on track to fail its first procedural test on Monday in the Senate, where Republicans vowed to block the Democratic bill.
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Obama fulfills Cairo pledge with entrepreneur summit

President Barack Obama launches a new effort on Monday to build business and social ties to the Muslim world, but analysts say the need for progress on big issues like Middle East peace will overshadow the initiative.
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G20 plots post-crisis path

World finance leaders gather in Washington on Friday hoping to plot a course beyond the financial crisis, but Greece's worsening debt woes served as a stark reminder the global economy remains vulnerable.
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Obama scolds Wall St for resisting reform

President Barack Obama scolded Wall Street on Thursday for its furious efforts to fight tighter regulation, saying the United States was doomed to another financial crisis if reforms were not implemented
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Boeing CEO hits Airbus tanker over subsidies

Boeing Co's chief executive said government subsidies received by archrival Airbus give the European aircraft builder a significant advantage in their rematch for a potential $50 billon U.S. Air Force aerial-refueling fleet contract.
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Obama scolds Wall Street for resisting reform

President Barack Obama scolded Wall Street on Thursday for its furious efforts to fight tighter regulation, saying the United States was doomed to another financial crisis if reforms were not implemented
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Goldman urges clients to stay, CEO at Obama speech

Goldman Sachs Group Inc intensified its public relations counteroffensive over fraud charges on Thursday as the company's chief executive watched President Barack Obama urge Wall Street to back regulatory reforms.
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Nasdaq gains on profit boost; Dow, S&P 500 flat

The Nasdaq edged higher on Thursday as another steady stream of strong earnings from companies, including Starbucks Corp , overshadowed worries about Greece's ability to handle its debt.
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Exclusive: WellPoint routinely targets breast cancer patients

One after another, shortly after a diagnosis of breast cancer, each of the women learned that her health insurance had been canceled. First there was Yenny Hsu, who lived and worked in Los Angeles. Later, Robin Beaton, a registered nurse from Texas. And then, most recently, there was Patricia Relling, a successful art gallery owner and interior designer from Louisville, Kentucky.
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Goldman CEO watches Obama as clients urged to stay

Goldman Sachs Group Inc intensified its public relations counteroffensive on Thursday over fraud charges, as the company's chief executive watched the U.S. president urge Wall Street to back regulatory reforms.
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Obama warns of another crisis without reform

President Barack Obama will tell Wall Street on Thursday to accept a sweeping bill to overhaul financial regulations, warning of another crisis unless there were tighter rules to rein in the industry's risky practices.
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Weakness rife in small business loans: watchdog

Private lenders did not use prudent lending practices for a small business program that President Barack Obama hopes to expand to improve the economy, a government watchdog said on Wednesday.
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Geithner says parts of U.S. economy very strong

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says some parts of the U.S. economy are very strong and that the United States was rebounding from recession more quickly than most other major economies.
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U.S. delays China yuan probe in aluminum case

The U.S. Commerce Department on Wednesday delayed a decision on investigating whether China's currency practices are an illegal trade subsidy that justify imposing countervailing duties.
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German bank severs Goldman ties, France eyes probe

A German state bank said it had severed business ties with Goldman Sachs Group Inc, citing U.S. regulators' allegation that the dominant Wall Street bank committed fraud, while France eyed an investigation of its own.
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Tough swaps bill faces committee test

A U.S. senate committee will consider whether to drop a controversial idea to ban banks from the swaps market in a debate on derivative reform on Wednesday, as efforts to toughen regulation head into the home straight.
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Fed paid record $47.4 billion to Treasury in 2009

The U.S. Federal Reserve said on Wednesday it transferred a record $47.4 billion to the U.S. Treasury in 2009 as a result of its programs to help the economy and financial firms during the financial crisis.
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Republicans soften opposition to financial reform

Republican lawmakers on Tuesday took a more conciliatory tone toward Democratic proposals to crack down on Wall Street as the U.S. Senate delayed debate on a financial reform package until next week.
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Ex-Lehman CEO faces Congress amid reform battle

Richard Fuld, former CEO of Lehman Brothers, lifted his bowed head, looked squarely at congressional committee members on Tuesday and acknowledged that people were hurt in the collapse of the former Wall Street giant.


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