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Bernanke defends record during financial crisis

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, making a case for a second term on Thursday, offered a forceful defense of the U.S. central bank's crisis-battling efforts, which he said prevented an even greater calamity.

More work needed to cut health costs: White House

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Congressional efforts to revamp the U.S. healthcare system are not enough to stem soaring health costs or close the nation's budget gap, a top Obama administration official said on Wednesday, adding that current bills must be strengthened to help rein in spending.

Executives expect U.S. to mull consumption tax

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Corporate executives expect a value-added tax to be considered by the U.S. Congress in the next five years, according to a survey by tax and accounting firm KPMG released on Thursday.
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Debate over mammograms splits along party lines

Republicans argued on Wednesday that recommendations advising against routine mammograms for women in their 40s could be used to ration healthcare under reform legislation before Congress, a charge Democrats denied.
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Taliban warns more foreign troops mean more deaths

Taliban insurgents in Wardak province warned that more foreign troops will mean more casualties for families back home. Obama is sending more troops to Afghanistan and that means more Americans will die, an unidentified member of its council told BBC. With just a handful of resources we can cause even more casualties and deaths. If they increase it again, we'll increase their casualties too. And we're ready for it. We haven't killed civilians but the Americans have. I want to...
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Obama aides defend ambitious Afghan scale-up

Top U.S. officials said the first of 30,000 new U.S. troops will arrive in Afghanistan in two to three weeks, but also made clear on Wednesday that plans to start bringing the soldiers home in 18 months could slip.
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Small business, transport central to jobs bill

Democrats want increased lending to small businesses and funding for shovel ready transportation projects included in a job-creation bill they hope to pass in Congress next month to address the high U.S. unemployment rate.
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McCain doubts about Obama's withdrawal plan in Afghanistan

The top Republican on the Senate committee, John McCain voiced doubt about Obama's withdrawal plan in Afghanistan, echoing fears that it could allow Taliban militants to wait out the U.S. troop surge and reassert themselves later.
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Doubts raised over Obama's Afghan withdrawal date

The first of 30,000 new U.S. troops will arrive in Afghanistan in two to three weeks, top U.S. officials said on Wednesday, even as they made clear plans to start bringing the soldiers home in 18 months could slip.
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Geithner sees case for some derivatives exemptions

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Wednesday there was a good case to let some firms use derivatives with little scrutiny for business purposes, but that most trading should face stiffer rules.
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Obama's Afghan withdrawal timeline under fire

President Barack Obama's top deputies on Wednesday defended his plan for a rapid ramp-up in Afghanistan, but some U.S. senators questioned a proposal to set an 18-month timeline for starting to bring troops home
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Clinton says Karzai must meet words with action

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday Afghan President Hamid Karzai must follow through on promises to fight corruption and urged the re-integration of Taliban members who renounced violence.
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Health officials to review disaster plan

Stung by the continuing struggle to make a vaccine against the swine flu pandemic, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said on Tuesday her department would review its approach to disaster preparedness.
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Senate battles over elderly health benefits

The U.S. Senate made little progress on a broad healthcare overhaul on Tuesday, as members battled over cuts in coverage for the elderly and failed to vote on two pending amendments.
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Obama's commander says now has tools for Afghan war

The top U.S. battlefield commander said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama's 30,000-strong troop increase for the Afghan war would make a huge difference, as the White House prepared to sell the new strategy to Congress.
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Obama's escalation challenges U.S. military

U.S. President Barack Obama's escalation of the war in Afghanistan challenges his generals to do more with slightly less than they wanted -- and much, much faster. The odds are against them.
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Bernanke to defend his record and the Fed's

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke vowed before taking office to follow in the footsteps of his storied predecessor, Alan Greenspan, but he will likely distance himself from the past as he seeks a second term.
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Obama spells out new Afgan Policy

President Obama announced Tuesday night that he will reinforce Afghanistan with some 30,000 more United States troops to reverse the momentum of the Taliban insurgents, and begin to withdraw in July, 2011.
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Why would Obama speed the Afghan deployment?

President Barack Obama will unveil plans on Tuesday to send some 30,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan over six months, a senior administration official said, an escalation he hopes will permit a quicker U.S. exit.
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Lifting the veil on Obama's Afghan strategy

President Barack Obama will unveil his new strategy for the war in Afghanistan in a prime-time televised speech on Tuesday. But in the hours beforehand, officials offered a preview of what he will tell Americans, who are sharply divided over the war.


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