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Shots fired to disperse Afghan Koran protest

Afghan police fired into the air on Sunday to break up a protest by thousands of people who had gathered in the capital, Kabul, to protest against what they said was the desecration of a copy of the Koran by foreign troops.

Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote

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The Taliban called on Afghans on Saturday to boycott next month's presidential election run-off and vowed to disrupt voting in a repeat of their threat to derail the disputed first round.

Health reform a slow moving freight train

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Health reform negotiations have moved behind closed doors in Congress, but chances are high that a bill will pass this year -- even if it doesn't do all that much to revamp the nation's swelling $2.5 trillion health care system.
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Obama sees consensus growing on climate change bill

President Barack Obama said on Friday he saw consensus building in the U.S. Congress on climate change and energy legislation that is considered critical to international talks on a new global warming pact.
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Japan PM says no need to rush U.S. base decision

Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama said on Friday there was no need to rush a decision that could stall a realignment of U.S. troops in the country, as tension grows over an issue that could fray ties with Washington.
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U.S. cuts pay at bailed out firms, BofA hits back

The U.S. pay czar on Thursday slashed compensation for top earners at seven bailed-out companies for the final two months of the year, and was immediately slammed by the country's largest bank which claimed the cuts could send talent fleeing.
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Japan says no U.S. base decision before Obama visit

Japan said on Thursday it could not sign off on a planned reorganisation of U.S. troops in the country before President Barack Obama visits Tokyo next month, after the U.S. defense secretary bluntly called for the deal to be implemented.
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Obama not doing enough on climate change - Pachauri

U.S. President Barack Obama should do much more to ensure Congress passes a greenhouse emissions bill, giving global climate talks a major boost, the head of the U.N. Climate Change Panel said on Thursday.
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U.S. slashes pay at bailed-out firms

The U.S. pay czar on Thursday slashed cash compensation for the top earners at seven companies that received massive taxpayer bailouts, while allowing for some increases to retain key talent.
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U.S. takes aim at executive pay

U.S. officials on Thursday took aim at generous executive pay packages, saying it was offensive that firms receiving substantial taxpayer aid paid their officers and other top employees so lavishly.
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Officials take aim at executive pay

U.S. officials on Thursday took aim at generous executive pay packages, saying it was offensive that firms receiving substantial taxpayer aid paid their officers and other top employees so lavishly.
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U.S. presses ahead on climate bill

The Obama administration will press ahead with climate control legislation, despite difficult odds of passage before December's international summit on global warming.
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Security big worry as Afghans gear up for run-off

Afghanistan will hardly have enough time to provide full security during a presidential election run-off in November, a senior official said on Thursday as preparations for the second round entered full swing.
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Gates says moving ahead on Afghan troop policy

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Thursday he is moving ahead with his recommendation on whether to send more troops to Afghanistan and would first tell the president before a NATO defense ministers meeting this week.
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Congress cranks up pressure on insurance industry

Democrats in the U.S. Congress moved on Wednesday to repeal the health insurance industry's exemption from antitrust laws, cranking up the pressure in a growing battle over President Barack Obama's healthcare reform plans.
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Top pay at bailed out companies to be cut

Top earners at financial and auto companies bailed out by the U.S. government will see their pay slashed under an Obama administration plan aimed at addressing public outrage over eye-popping paychecks, two sources familiar with the matter said on Wednesday.
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Obama wades into Democrats' tough governor races

U.S. President Barack Obama threw himself into the role of campaigner in chief on Wednesday, making appeals for Democratic candidates in two state governor races that some see as a referendum on his performance in the White House.
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Climate cooperation to help ties, Hu tells Obama

Chinese President Hu Jintao has told his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama that closer cooperation on fighting climate change could help improve overall ties between the world's top two greenhouse gas polluters.
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House healthcare bill under $900 billion: Pelosi

House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Tuesday new estimates showed a healthcare overhaul drafted by Democrats would reduce the U.S. budget deficit over 10 years and cost less than $900 billion.
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Gates pushes Japan on U.S. troop shift plan

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates pressed Japan on Wednesday to implement quickly a deal to reorganize the U.S. military presence in the country, an issue that could test ties with Tokyo's new government.
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Obama scolds Wall Street over reforms, lending

President Barack Obama chastised Wall Street firms on Tuesday for resisting tighter regulations of their industry and said they had not done enough to boost lending to small businesses.
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Afghan election officials fired ahead of run-off

Half of the most senior Afghan district election officials will be fired, U.N. officials said on Wednesday, to prevent more fraud in a run-off presidential poll crucial to the country's credibility and foreign support.


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