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Democratic leaders to meet Obama on economy

The two top Democrats in the U.S. Congress plan to meet with President Barack Obama at the White House on Wednesday to explore ways to stimulate the ailing U.S. economy, party aides said.
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Saudi king in Damascus to mend fences with Assad

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah flew to Syria on Wednesday for talks with President Bashar al-Assad aimed at healing a rift that has aggravated Arab discord over Iran, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Lebanon.
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Pakistan army has serious concern on U.S. aid bill

Pakistan's army on Wednesday expressed serious concern about a U.S. aid bill that critics say contains conditions that amount to a humiliating violation of sovereignty as parliament began a debate on the U.S. aid.
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Russia: new U.S. anti-missiles less risky

Russia sees a redrafted U.S. anti-missile shield plan as less of a security threat than the previously proposed project, Russian agencies said Wednesday, which should ease tensions between the two powers.
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U.S. groups eye second Obama decision on China yuan

U.S. labor and manufacturing groups urged President Barack Obama on Tuesday to live up to his campaign rhetoric and formally label China a currency manipulator in a Treasury Department report due out next week.
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U.S. lawmakers press Obama on Afghan war strategy

President Barack Obama told congressional leaders on Tuesday his decision on a new Afghan war strategy would not make everyone happy, while Republicans urged him to heed his military commander's call for more troops.
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Afghan Taliban say they pose no threat to the West

The Afghan Taliban pose no threat to the West but will continue their fight against occupying foreign forces, they said on Wednesday, the eighth anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion that removed them from power.
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U.S. stumbling block in U.N. climate talks: Mexico

The United States came under pressure to show leadership in U.N. climate talks on Wednesday with Mexico saying its neighbor is a stumbling block in efforts to try to craft a tough global climate agreement by December.
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Obama's dilemma on Tibet and China

President Barack Obama breaks a precedent of not meeting with the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama during his five-day trip to Washington, but intends to meet the exiled leader sometime in December after his November Summit with Chinese president Hu Jintao.
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More kids have autism than thought: U.S. study

You may have heard the oft-quoted statistic that autism affects 1 in 150 US children. Turns out it's more like 1 in 91 -- and about 1 in 58 boys, according to new figures released Sunday.
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Obama vows relentless U.S. pursuit of al Qaeda

President Barack Obama on Tuesday vowed the United States would keep relentless pressure on al Qaeda and ensure extremist networks, which he called a principle threat, do not find safe havens overseas.
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Peace fragile, prized as Palestinians tend new crops

The olive branch is a symbol of peace in the Middle East, but for Yusuf Sabaani the thousands of tiny olive seedlings he has just planted are a more tangible image of his dream for the future of his children.
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Obama breaks precedent by not meeting Dalai Lama

President Barack Obama will not meet the Dalai Lama during his five-day trip to the U.S. capital beginning on Monday, the first time in 18 years the exiled Tibetan leader has visited Washington without seeing the president.
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Senate panel awaits report before health vote

Democratic hopes for a quick Senate Finance Committee vote on a broad U.S. healthcare overhaul were dashed on Monday as budget experts took longer than expected with their estimate of the bill's cost.
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Palestinians warn Israel on Jerusalem tensions

A senior Palestinian official on Tuesday accused Israel of deliberately creating an extremely dangerous situation in East Jerusalem, to trigger violence, justify a crackdown and tighten its grip on the disputed city.
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Gates blames past lack of troops for Taliban edge

Defense Secretary Robert Gates blamed the Taliban's revival on a past failure to deploy enough troops to Afghanistan and said U.S. forces would not withdraw whatever the result of President Barack Obama's strategy review.


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