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Online education expanding, awaits innovation

When Janice Barnwell decided to boost her career by obtaining a master's degree in business, the working mother chose an online university because of the convenience and the low cost.

Bernanke backs away from regulation revamp

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Congressional approval of an Obama administration plan to create a systemic risk regulator for the U.S. economy looks more likely after lawmakers noted a change in tone by the Federal Reserve on Thursday.

U.S., Iran meet at six-power nuclear talks

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The United States said it held the highest level direct talks with Iran in three decades on Thursday to try to put to rest Western suspicions Tehran is planning a nuclear bomb.
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Cuban exiles changed tune on Havana concert: poll

Cuban exiles, who had previously opposed a concert last month in Havana by Colombian singer Juanes, ended up mostly backing the event after Juanes spoke out in favor of uniting Cubans, a new poll showed.
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Pay czar Feinberg expecting heat for rulings

The Obama administration's pay czar joked Wednesday that he might have to move to Pluto to escape the fallout from his first batch of compensation decisions, which are expected in October.
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Tsunami deaths likely to rise in Pacific islands

Relief workers in American and Western Samoa on Thursday searched for survivors after a series of tsunamis smashed into the tiny Pacific islands, killing possibly more than 100 people and flattening villages.
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Obama says deeply committed to passing climate bill

U.S. President Barack Obama said on Wednesday his administration was deeply committed to passing a new energy law that would set caps on greenhouse gas emissions, welcoming a new Senate proposal on the issue.
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Iran says talks are test, U.S. weighs sanctions

Iran said on Wednesday it viewed pending nuclear talks with six world powers as an opportunity and a test, and the United States said an extraordinarily difficult process was starting with more meetings likely.
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Iran says Geneva talks are test

Iran said on Wednesday it viewed talks with six world powers in Geneva as an opportunity and a test, while the United States weighed sanctions over Tehran's nuclear program if Thursday's meeting fails.
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Tsunami smashes Pacific islands, over 100 feared dead

A series of tsunamis smashed into the Pacific island nations of American and Western Samoa killing possibly more than 100 people, some washed out to sea, destroying villages and injuring hundreds, officials said on Wednesday.
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Climate control debate heats up in Senate

President Barack Obama's drive to tackle global warming gets a boost on Wednesday, when Democrats in the Senate are expected to unveil a bill aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions over the next four decades.
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Americans willing to fund healthcare reform: poll

Most Americans would pay higher taxes to fund healthcare reforms that provide the best quality of care, but only a minority expects Washington to deliver it, according to a survey released on Wednesday.
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Senate panel rejects public healthcare option

A Senate panel on Tuesday rejected a government-run public insurance option as part of a broad healthcare overhaul, handing insurers an early victory and setting the stage for a long fight over one of the bill's most contentious issues.
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NATO chief assures Obama on Afghan war support

NATO's chief assured President Barack Obama on Tuesday of the alliance's commitment to the Afghan war as the U.S. administration weighs sending more troops to try to turn the tide on a resurgent Taliban.
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Iran says will not discuss second nuclear plant

Iran said on Tuesday it would not discuss a previously secret nuclear plant at international talks this week but Washington vowed to bring it up and demanded Tehran prove it is not developing an atomic weapon.
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Fed pursues tough new U.S. credit card rules

The U.S. Federal Reserve on Tuesday proposed tough new credit card rules to protect consumers from potentially costly practices by lenders and moved to implement legislation enacted in May.
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Pressure mounts on Honduras to end coup crisis

Honduras' de facto government came under mounting pressure on Tuesday to restore civil liberties and negotiate an end to a three-month crisis sparked when President Manuel Zelaya was toppled in a coup.
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Rivals unfazed by shadow of Obama in 2016 bid

The four cities bidding for the prize honor of hosting the 2016 Summer Olympics began three intensive days of lobbying on Tuesday with the Obama factor looming large ahead of Friday's vote by the IOC.
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It's up to Obama to decide on Afghanistan

If President Barack Obama decides to send 30,000 to 40,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan, he will be doing it against the advice of some advisers and leading Democrats in Congress.
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Brown aims to revive UK Labor with policy blitz

Prime Minister Gordon Brown will promise Tuesday to clean up British politics, get tough on crime and heal the economy, in a blizzard of policy moves aimed at avoiding a crushing election defeat next year.


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