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New world economic order takes shape at G20

The Group of 20 is set to become the premier coordinating body on global economic issues, reflecting a new world economic order in which emerging market countries like China are much more relevant, according to a draft communique.

Palestinians want peace deal but don't reject Hamas

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Most Palestinians who want a state of their own would like to achieve it through a peace deal with Israel but there is still substantial support for the Islamist Hamas group which favors resistance, according to a new opinion poll.

Obama accuses Iran of building secret nuclear plant

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U.S. President Barack Obama and other Western leaders accused Iran on Friday of building a secret nuclear fuel plant and demanded Tehran immediately halt what he called a direct challenge to the international community.
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Iran tells IAEA it is building 2nd enrichment plant

Iran has told the U.N. nuclear watchdog that it has a second uranium enrichment plant under construction, a belated disclosure sure to heighten Western fears of a stealthy Iranian quest for nuclear arms capability.
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Massachusetts names Kirk to fill Kennedy Senate seat

Paul Kirk, a former Democratic National Committee chairman and a close friend of the late Senator Edward Kennedy, was named on Thursday as a temporary replacement for the liberal champion in the U.S. Senate.
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Obama arrives at G20 with big agenda

President Barack Obama arrived at the Group of 20 summit in Pittsburgh on Thursday with an ambitious agenda to crack down on banks' risky behavior and rebuild the global economy on a more stable footing.
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Merkel to G20: regulation before rebalancing

German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned on Thursday that a U.S. drive to rebalance the global economy risked distracting the Group of 20 from a more urgent need for market regulation at their Pittsburgh summit.
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U.S. Senate panel rejects Republican healthcare moves

The Senate Finance Committee battled over insurance plans for seniors on Wednesday and rejected a Republican effort to delay a final vote on a broad healthcare overhaul as it slowly waded through a crush of amendments.
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All-round pessimism after dud Middle East summit

A cloud of pessimism is suffocating hopes that U.S. President Barack Obama can pull off a miracle in the Middle East by setting negotiations on course for rapid progress toward a comprehensive peace agreement.
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G20 Leaders in Pittsburgh to Help Boost Global Economy

International leaders representing the Group of 20 leading industrial nations and the European Union are gathering at Pittsburgh in the north eastern U.S. for the next two days to focus on the task of ensuring that the world emerges from the economic crisis as soon as sustainably possible.
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China open to G20 talks on new economic balance

A U.S. drive to build a more balanced global economy gained the qualified support of China on Wednesday in a sign that Group of 20 leaders may be ready to take joint action to prevent future economic crises.
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Geithner urges watchdog, Frank cites death panels

An Obama administration proposal to create a government watchdog for financial consumers inched forward in Congress on Wednesday, with House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank calling for death panels to close down troubled financial firms.
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Obama: U.S., Russia agree Iran may face new sanctions

U.S. President Barack Obama said he and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed on Wednesday that serious additional sanctions must be considered if Iran does not respond to proposals to end a nuclear standoff.
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China backs G20 coordination

China offered some support on Wednesday to U.S. plans to build a more balanced global economy, as world leaders seek to agree ways to nurture a tentative recovery and prevent future crises.
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China's Hu tells Obama to curb trade safeguards

Chinese President Hu Jintao urged U.S. President Barack Obama not to slap duties on more Chinese goods after a dispute over tires but stressed hopes for steady economic ties ahead of a Group of 20 leaders' summit.
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ObamaVision deemed top TV word of 2009

ObamaVision -- the term coined by the media to sum up President Barack Obama's pledge to bring hope and change to America -- was on Wednesday deemed the most influential English word from television in 2009.
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Gaddafi blasts big powers in first U.N. speech

Muammar Gaddafi, in his first address to the United Nations in 40 years as Libya's autocratic ruler, on Wednesday accused major powers on the Security Council of betraying the principles of the U.N. charter.
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Obama to world: U.S. can't fix it all alone

President Barack Obama pressed world leaders on Wednesday to help confront challenges ranging from the war in Afghanistan to nuclear standoffs with Iran and North Korea instead of expecting the United States to do it all alone.
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Geithner urges consumer watchdog

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner argued forcefully on Wednesday for creating a government watchdog for financial consumers, while giving cautious support to paring back its scope.


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