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Stephen Colbert

Stephen Colbert Super PAC Approved by FEC

Stephen Colbert has won the right to use his television program to raise money for a Political Action Committee, a development that vindicates his satirical campaign but could have large implications for campaign finance reform.
U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl, R-AZ

OPINION: Forget the missiles, get Obama!

It’s now as plain as the beard on Lincoln’s chin. The Republican Party that Honest Abe helped to found – that is, in its current Limbaughian form -- does not give a hoot about American global security. All it wants to do is remove Barack Obama from the White House, and it does not care if its actions – that is, its inaction – wrecks the painstakingly constructed goodwill between the U.S. and Russia and pushes the entire world back toward the shadow of possible nuclear annihilation.

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