Prominent researcher and digital media analyst Michael Pachter doesn't think consoles will have a place in gaming for much longer.
'Destiny' launched last week across four platforms, and is selling well worldwide. However, reviews tell another story.
Is Solange feuding with sister Beyoncé and her husband Jay Z? Fans were curious after Solange skipped Beyoncé's VMA performance Sunday night.
Upcoming shooter "Destiny" is selling for hundreds on auction site eBay.
Although Beyoncé and Jay Z have been together for over a decade, there are rumors that the two may split after their “On the Run Tour.”
Pregnant Kelly Rowland announced she's having a boy.
The open beta for 'Destiny' closed on Sunday for PS3, PS4, Xbox One and Xbox 360 users.
Bungie's 'Destiny' beta is now open to all players, even those who didn't pre-order Bungie's multiplayer game.
"Destiny" beta players are encountering user errors on the Xbox One.
Bungie will close its 'Destiny' beta today for maintenace.
Players attempting to access the "Destiny" beta are facing problems, as the PSN store buckles under the pressure of too many users.
The countdown to the "Destiny" beta has begun, with PS4 players gaining access next Thursday.
The highly-anticipated glacial white console was announced last month.
Bungie's "Destiny" will run its beta this month for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4.
NYC-based research firm the Cowen Group predicts "Destiny" will be this season's top seller.
"Destiny's" beta will come to the Xbox One and Xbox 360 in late July
"Destiny's" beta will launch next month, and the game's alpha saw more than 6 million games played.
Special DLC for upcoming Bungie game "Destiny" may only be on PlayStation until fall 2015.
Kelly Rowland announced that she is pregnant last week. Now, the singer is showing off her baby bump. Check out the cute photo.
Michelle Williams new "Say Yes" video, which features Beyoncé and Kelly Rowland, provided new material for the singer's #PoorMichelle hashtag.
The "Destiny" beta will open July 17, and Bungie extended the game's alpha test to ensure a better gaming experience.
Bungie's upcoming game "Destiny" closed its alpha last night. The beta opens July 17.