Kamala Harris has an estimated net worth of $6 million, which she shares with husband Douglas Emhoff. She has published three books and owns several properties in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C.
Kamala Harris harshly criticized President Trump on Wednesday in her first debut as Joe Biden's running mate, saying he is "a president who is making every challenge we face even more difficult to solve.”
Biden, Harris launch campaign with call to 'rebuild' post-Trump US
West is currently garnering 2% support nationwide, with the candidate scheduled to appear on ballots in Arkansas, Colorado, Oklahoma and Vermont.
Global stocks rise despite stalemate on US stimulus
Former Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice praised Biden's decision to choose California Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate, and called Trump's attacks on Harris "baseless."
However, the the latest election model from FiveThirtyEight suggests that President Trump is a significant long shot.
Donald Trump’s tweets about suburban wives voting for him have caused many to draw comparisons to June Cleaver.
The VP nominee already revealed her feelings on the portrayal.
The California senator has previously spoken about the pride she takes in her Black and Indian heritage taught to her by her mother.
US health chief sceptical of Russia's virus vaccine claim
Wisconsin, a key swing state in the 2016 presidential election, is leaning toward Joe Biden based on a new poll from Marquette Law School.
Both the U.S. and China realize that a minor incident could turn into an armed conflict in the tense waters of the South China Sea.
Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris to be first black woman VP
President Donald Trump wasted no time attacking Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., labeling the Democrats' vice presidential pick "extraordinarily nasty" for being tough on Brett Kavanaugh.
Celebrities congratulated and shared their excitement for Senator Kamala Harris being announced as Joe Biden's running mate in the upcoming U.S. presidential election.
Harris under scrutiny for tough-on-crime prosecutor past
Emhoff, the husband of Sen. Kamala Harris, could the nation's first Second Gentleman if Joe Biden wins the White House in November.
How people are reacting to Kamala Harris's VP nod
Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden chose Sen. Kamala Harris of California after months of speculation that she was the frontrunner.
Biden's choice was seen as critical as pressure built for the selection of a Black woman.
New surveys released by CBS/YouGov show Joe Biden with a 6-point lead over Donald Trump in the critical battleground states of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, as voters disapprove of Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.