Woman Cuts Off Husband’s Penis, Grinds it in Garbage Disposal

Catherine Kieu Becker
The woman who cut off her husband's penis was arrested in California and could serve life in prison for allegedly drugging her husband after throwing the severed genital in a garbage disposal, authorities say. The 51-year-old victim is recovering after successful emergency surgery.
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'Talking' Cars to Hit Roads Soon

Very soon you might possess your own Lightning McQueen as scientists from the University of Bologna claim that 'talking' cars might soon be a reality minus the human-like facial conditions.
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Preparing for Carmageddon

A portion of the 405 Freeway from the Hollywood Hills to the 10 Santa Monica Freeway will close for the weekend starting Friday, July 15.
News Corp's Chief Executive Murdoch and his wife arrive at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner in Washington

Murdoch May Be Forced to Unload UK Papers

The beleaguered News Corp., burdened by an ever-worsening scandal regarding illegal phone-hacking, may be forced to unload its remaining newspapers in Great Britain, according to Rupert Murdoch’s biographer.
Super Gonorrhoea Found in Japan

'Superbug' Strain of Gonorrhea: Fact sheet

A new strain of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea was found to be resistant to antibiotics, international researchers say. According to the CDC, more than 700,000 persons in the U.S. get new gonorrheal infections each year and less than half of these infections are reported to CDC.
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Will ‘South California’ Become the 51st State?

If Republican Jeff Stone has anything to do with it, that's exactly what will happen. Stone has asked fellow members of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors to support a motion to bring together officials from 13 counties to discuss the idea.
Super bug in petri dish

Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea: Factsheet

A new strain of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea was found to be resistant to antibiotics, international researchers say. According to the CDC, more than 700,000 persons in the U.S. get new gonorrheal infections each year and less than half of these infections are reported to CDC.

How Many Calories in That Slurpee?

Those Slurpees that 7-11 stores across the country are handing out today might be free, but they will only serve to make you fatter and unhealthier in the long run,
At Issue: Circumcision

Circumcision Debate In San Francisco: Jews Call Circumcision Ban Anti-Semitic

Circumcision will be banned in San Francisco if a November ballot initiative passes, prompting many to charge that the initiative is anti-Semitic. Jewish people are furious, saying that circumcision, the removal of foreskin eight days after a male baby is born, is part of their religion and that this is yet another example of Anti-Semitism akin to Mel Gibson's consistent hostility towards Jews.


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