Mike Bloomberg's huge campaign spending is paying-off as he now ranks the second top Democrat contender behind Bernie Sanders heading into Super Tuesday
Bloomberg wants to make community colleges tuition-free for all students.
As Bloomberg and Sanders continue to sling mud, Bloomberg's campaign claims to have dirt on the senator.
The DNC's lowered debate qualifications mean Bloomberg will join the debate on Wednesday
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi affirms a Democrat will win the presidency in November.
The Vermont senator was criticizing Bloomberg for spending millions of dollars in TV advertisements for the 2020 race.
Mike Bloomberg's misogyny has come back to haunt him on the campaign trail.
A recording shows Bloomberg arguing that raising taxes on the wealthy hurts jobs.
It looks like the Nevda caucus on February 22 will be Sen. Bernie Sanders' to lose.
'Cool' candidate Bloomberg adds memes to campaign arsenal
Sanders, Buttigieg emerge as frontrunners in Democratic race
Andrew Yang may come from the tech industry and startups but his net worth is much lower than his fellow tech leaders and presidential candidates.
One of the hottest topic of the U.S. election 2020 is the personal finances and net worth of some of the democratic presidential hopefuls. Some of them are worth billions while others have only a couple of hundred thousand dollars on their bank accounts.
Bloomberg can be heard arguing about the policy's effectiveness, despite its racial problems.
High stakes as New Hampshire holds key White House primary
Pete Buttigieg may have the lead in the initial returns of the Iowa caucuses over other presidential hopefuls but unknown to many, he still pays off his student loans and is worth only around $100,000.
Democrats do battle in New Hampshire -- as Bloomberg looms
Bloomberg has spent over $250 million on ads, some of which air during Trump's favorite shows.
Buttigieg fends off attacks as Dems battle for New Hampshire votes
After being fired in November, Spencer is bucking Trump and backing Bloomberg.
Michael Bloomberg, who did not participate in the caucuses, took advantage of the chaos and increased his already enormous ad buy.
Moderate Democrats are fretting over Sanders' surging campaign