On Tuesday, the well-known personality spoke out in support of the 2020 hopeful.
Trump remains popular in Florida despite his impeachment travails
US asset market investors say former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg has the best chance among Democrats of beating Trump in November.
Six of the remaining 12 Democratic candidates will gather in Iowa for the final debate before the Iowa Caucuses.
The debate stage will only feature white candidates after Yang fails to qualify
Trump and Bloomberg hope to get their messages out during the most viewed TV event
The commercial was revealed on Monday morning.
Trump trounces Democratic rivals in election fundraising
Nostradamus.com recently shared their 2020 predictions for Prince William and Donald Trump.
President Donald Trump appears to be the favorite candidate of millionaire voters in the U.S for 2020 polls, according to a new survey.
Sen. Warren says Bloomberg needs to address reports that he had former female employees sign nondisclosure agreements related to sexist remarks made by the former mayor.
Trump will likely contend against former vice president Joe Biden for the presidency, according to a new poll by USA Today/Suffolk University.
The latest betting odds show Joe Biden is most likely to be the Democratic nominee against Trump in 2020.
Anthony Scaramucci asserts Mike Bloomberg will beat Trump in a 2020 'Battle of the Billionaires'
A new poll by a Republican public relations firm has Trump handily beating all Democrats in all three swing states.
A fatal accident in Brooklyn under New York subway involving two drunken young women was reported early Sunday.
Marijuana reform measures could stall in the Oval Office if any of these presidential hopefuls wins in 2020.
Bloomberg says his reporters must 'live with' limits on coverage
Top Democrat pulls trigger on impeachment, Trump defiant
Bloomberg (the company) fixes glitch sending users to candidate site
In an all-staff call on Tuesday, Sen. Kamala Harris announced she would be ending her bid for the Democratic nomination for the presidency.
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is facing intense criticism from his fellow Democratic nominee candidates and it could become a major hurdle to clear for his campaign.