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'Pianist to the Presidents' Dies at 87

Roger Williams, known as the Pianist to the Presidents, died on Saturday at the age of 87 in his California home after a brief battle with pancreatic cancer, his former publicist said.
Paul McCartney to Marry Nancy Shevell

All You Need Is Love: Nancy Shevell and Sir Paul McCartney to Wed Sunday

American industrial heiress Nancy Shevell and Beatles legend Sir Paul McCartney plan to wed Sunday at The Old Marylebone Town Hall. The soon-to-be married couple arrived at London’s registers office Saturday to organize some final details before heading to McCartney’s St John’s Wood home in north London.
Former Beatle Paul McCartney and his wife, New York heiress Nancy Shevell

Paul McCartney to wed U.S. heiress on Sunday

Former Beatle Paul McCartney will wed for the third time on Sunday when he and New York heiress Nancy Shevell are married in a civil ceremony in London, British newspapers reported.
Occupy Wall Street Protest Signs

How Big Can the 'Occupy Wall Street' Movement Grow?

As the "Occupy Wall Street" protest becomes a movement, joined in the past two weeks by union workers and environmentalists and acknowledged publicly in legitimacy by President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, we have to ask the question: How big can the Occupy Wall Street movement grow?
Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is Gone - Can Apple Still be Apple Without Its Guru?

We all know the shape - a small white rectangle with rounded corners, a screen, and a circular control. The first iPod debuted in November of 2001 and put all other portable music players to shame. It didn't try to be like the other guys, with their dubious interfaces and The Matrix-y black exteriors; instead, the iPod was its own kind of cool - obnoxiously so - with a minimalist white exterior and unapologetically Mac-centric interface design. In a way, the iPod was a representation of Apple...
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NFL Owners Favor Republicans in Campaign Cash

National Football League teams have donated at least $1.4 million to politicians, parties, and committees since 2009, with about two-thirds of the cash going to Republicans, a study released on Friday showed.
Cliff Stearns

Email Raises Fresh Questions on Solyndra Loan Guarantee

An Obama administration appointee at the U.S. Energy Department pressed White House analysts to sign off on a $535 million loan guarantee for Solyndra LLC even though his wife worked for the failed solar-panel maker's law firm.
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Second-richest Colombian, Santo Domingo, dead at 87

Julio Mario Santo Domingo, Colombia's second-richest person with an empire that reached into beer, aviation, media and forestry, died in New York on Friday at age 87, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said.
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Occupy Wall Street and rose-tinted glasses

Two weeks into the Occupy Wall Street protests, one of America’s most respected polling firms released an astonishing survey on economic divisions showing that a majority of Americans don’t think their society is divided between haves and have-nots.


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