Ryan Medicare: 'Fine if I lose my House seat'

In the aftermath of Republican defeat in a New York special Congressional election, Republican House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan is now bearing the brunt of voter anger, but it won't deter him from fighting for his Medicare plan --- even if it ruins his political career, according to a report.
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India urges for joint IMF candidate from BRICs

India is talking with other emerging nations to build support for a common candidate for a developing economy to be the next head of the International Monetary Fund, with Mexico's Central bank chief being a possibility, said two government sources, reported Reuters.

Bill Clinton Has Advice for Democrats on Medicare

Following the Tuesday special election win of a Democrat over a Republican for a vacant House seat in upstate New York - a seat, typically held by Republicans - former President Bill Clinton had some steady advice for his fellow Democrats: Don't get too carried away.

Five tallest buildings in the world

Take a look at the world's five tallest buildings: Burj Khalifa, Taipei 101, Shanghai World Financial Center, International Commerce Center (Hong Kong) and the Petronas Towers.
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Deadly Medicare Reform Plan for GOP - Just how deadly is it?

The GOP plan to overhaul Medicare, proposed by Wisconsin Republican and chairman of the House Budget Committee Paul Ryan, plans to replace the existing Medicare system, which is headed for insolvency by 2024, with subsidies to help seniors pay for private health insurance. How deadly is it for the GOP and for voters?

Cut Your Taxes By Half!

Rental real estate can generate non-cash losses through depreciation of its building and improvements as well as accruing interest on mortgages it may have. If the property is owned by a limited partnership these losses are passed through to the individual partners in the partnership on their K-1.
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Huguette Clark: Now What?

Obituaries for wealthy recluse Huguette Clark have reignited questions about the final resting place of Clark's fortunes, estimated at around half a billion dollars.

Geithner praises both IMF candidates Lagarde and Carstens

The next chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will likely be one of two candidates, France Finance Minister Christine Lagarde (who has officially announced her interest in the job) and Mexico’s central bank governor Agustin Carstens, who is also lobbying for the sought-after position.


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