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An anti-nuclear activist shouts slogans during a protest in Seoul

Activists Protest At South Korea Nuclear Summit

As heads of state gathered for talks, demonstrators chanted: No nukes Asia, no nukes Korea, No nukes [America], no nukes anywhere! Many cited the disaster at power plants hit by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan as proof of nuclear power's inherent risks.

Obama And China Warn North Koreans Against Rocket Launch

Leading up to the nuclear summit in South Korea this week, Obama and Hu both expressed their serious concern about the launch, which was first described by North Korea as a peaceful launch of an earth observation satellite.
North Korea's First Vice Foreign Minister and envoy to the six-party talks Kim Kye-gwan enters a hotel in Beijing

North Korea, U.S. Restart Nuclear Talks

The U.S. would like to ultimately recharge talks on disarmament, a process that would involve as total of six nations -- North Korea, South Korea, U.S., China, Russia and Japan.

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