Amidst high unemployment in U.S., guest worker programs under fire
In the current economic malaise of high pervasive unemployment and growing uneasiness over immigration, the H-1B visa program (among others) has come under tremendous criticism.
The allure of outsourcing too powerful for U.S. companies to resist
One of the predominant economic issues of our day has to do with the “offshoring” or “outsourcing” of American jobs overseas, particularly to developing economies like India and China where costs of labor are significantly less, thereby undermining efforts to reduce the stubbornly high U.S. jobless rate (currently at 9.6 percent)
Global Demand Shifting to Emerging Markets
Global demand is increasingly shifting to emerging economies, and American firms, especially small businesses, should adjust to this new reality.
Basel III likely to have limited short-term impact on U.S. banks
For big U.S. banks, Basel III will likely have limited impact in the short-term because of its generous phase-in timeline
Interview: Robert Prechter on mass psychology in the financial markets
Robert Prechter speaks to IBTimes about mass psychology in the financial markets and specifically about the Greek sovereign debt crisis.
Interview: Maria Fiorini Ramirez on unemployment and credit to small business
Maria Fiorini Ramirez speaks to IBTimes about inflation, unemployment, and credit conditions to small businesses.
Asian Americans increasingly defying the STEM stereotype
Asian Americans are increasingly shifting away from traditional professions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and into the fields of law and business.
Second largest hedge fund in the world practices radical truth
The president and founder the world's second largest hedge fund is a big believer in the controversial idea of radical truth and credits the practice it with giving his firm a competitive advantage.
Yingli Green Energy becomes leading integrated solar panel maker
At a time when Chinese power plants are notorious polluters, Yingli Green Energy, a Chinese solar panel maker, has become an completely integrated manufacturer selling green energy worldwide.
The 2011 capital gains tax rate hike and its impact
The hike on individual long-term capital gains tax rate in 2011 may have interesting implications.