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Republicans Take Aim at Regulations, Taxes

Republicans in the House of Representatives want to create jobs by killing regulations on companies and passing tax breaks for small business and government contractors, Majority Leader Eric Cantor said on Monday.
A man dressed as the statue of Liberty at a tax assistance business in northern Virginia

Republican Dave Camp Rules Nothing Out for Debt Panel

A leading Republican lawmaker would not rule out tax increases on Thursday if they fostered economic growth, adding that "everything is on the table" for a U.S. congressional panel charged with forging a deal to cut the deficit.
A customer counts U.S. dollar notes

Exclusive: U.S. small business borrowing up: PayNet

Borrowing by small U.S. businesses rose in January from the prior year, data released by PayNet Inc on Tuesday showed, but fell compared to December, underscoring the recovery's slow slog. The Thomson Reuters/PayNet Small Business Lending Index, which measures the overall volume of financing to U.S. small businesses, rose 14 percent
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Taxing offshore profit up for debate: aide

The debate over overhauling the U.S. corporate tax system will have to include whether to cut taxes on profits earned abroad, a Treasury Department official said on Thursday. Michael Mundaca, assistant Treasury secretary for tax policy, a White House point man on revamping the corporate tax code, also said that corporate tax reform could be done before individual tax reform.
U.S. President Barack Obama prays next to House Minority Leader John Boehner before speaking at the GOP House Issues Conference in Baltimore

Bush tax cut extensions likely to help small businesses; impact on stocks unclear

Longer-term, the potential impact of the tax cuts upon the stock market and economy remain rather fuzzy, given the multitude of other issues facing investors, including perpetually high unemployment in the U.S., a seemingly never-ending sovereign debt crisis in Europe and constant friction with China over trade and currency.
U.S. President Barack Obama makes a statement on tax cuts and unemployment insurance at the White House in Washington December 6, 2010.

Obama, Republicans reach deal on taxes

President Barack Obama and Congressional Republicans came to a compromise today involving tax break extensions for wealthier Americans and unemployment insurance extensions for working class families.


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