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An Airbus A319

India To Boycott EU Airline Tax

India will call upon local airlines to boycott the European Union's carbon-offsetting tax, as an ongoing row over a recently-instated tax on flights in and out of Europe has sparked discontent from several nations and heightend fears of a trade war.
Callista Gingrich

Newt Gingrich: Gay Marriage is 'Pagan Behavior'

Despite having been married thrice and boasting of a history of marital infidelity, Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich seems to be a firm believer in the sacrosanct institution of male-female marriage. On a conference call for Religious Right supporters, on Wednesday, Gingrich drew parallels between gay marriage and the rise of paganism.
Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney Tax Returns: 15% Is Low Even for the Rich

If Mitt Romney's 15 percent estimate is accurate, his effective tax rate is below average even among the wealthiest Americans. He may face criticism from his peers among the top1 percent in income as well as the middle class when he releases his 2010 tax returns on Tuesday.
2012 Election

Why Mitt Romney is the Anti-Obama

For all the hand-wringing about Mitt Romney being insufficiently conservative, the last few days have demonstrated how a Romney candidacy would give voters a clear alternative to the progressive vision articulated by President Barack Obama.
For Discussion: U.S. Taxes

Republicans Show Rare Discord Over Tax Policy

The Republican brand, built on a rock-solid no new tax pledge to voters, is showing a few cracks as internal party divisions erupt in the face of rapidly escalating U.S. government debt.
At a celebrity-studded World AIDS Day event on Thursday, Obama challenged other nations to boost their commitments to fund treatment and called on China to "step up" as a major donor in the effort to expand access to AIDS drugs.

Obama Raises U.S. Goal on Fighting AIDS

President Barack Obama vowed to boost U.S. efforts to fight AIDS with a new target of providing treatment to 6 million people worldwide by 2013, up from an earlier goal of 4 million.


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