Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Tormenting Meghan Markle has become a national sport, according to Catherine Bennett and netizens agree. Pictured: Prince Harry and Markle attend a gala performance of ‘The Wider Earth’ in support of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust & the Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy at the Natural History Museum on Feb. 12, 2019 in London. Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Meghan Markle’s trolls continue to attack her that one British journalist has dubbed the act of tormenting the duchess a “national sport.”

Catherine Bennett wrote an article for the Guardian describing how the Duchess of Sussex was at one point considered to be a “breath of fresh air” and is now deemed as a manipulator and someone cruel to her father. Bennett also mentioned how the royal experts, body language experts and handwriting experts would share their different opinions about Prince Harry’s wife.

George Clooney recently made a comparison between the Duchess of Sussex and the late Princess of Wales and many didn’t agree with him. In fact, some called him “clueless” while others asked the actor to just “shut up.” Bennett also pointed out how others corrected Clooney by taking it as an opportunity to personally attack Markle for being implicitly compared to her mother-in-law.

“Now that tormenting the Duchess of Sussex has become a national sport, limited only by the supply of new material, this same incredible handwriting is proving a treasure trove for character assassins,” Bennett wrote.

“Last week, after her father released sections of a private letter she had written, alleged handwriting experts confirmed what the Meghan pursuit is making increasingly clear: harassment by the press is not over in the post-Leveson era, just different, and not merely because the results are disseminated instantly, with added conspiracy, on social media,” she added.

Netizens were impressed with Bennett’s article. One netizen said that it was “spot on” while many agreed that it was a “very interesting” read.

“A great article that speaks the truth,” Jasmine Harrison wrote.

Harrison added that more people should speak out against the bullying toward the pregnant royal from the British press because it’s not fair for Markle. She also pointed out that “there needs to be a change.”

A number also thanked Bennett for speaking up about the issue. Vanessa Gillieo is hoping that more journalists will speak out about the harassment, criticism, bullying and attacks that Markle received because they need to stop. She added that the article was “well-written” and “insightful.”

In related news, Markle’s supporters have been blaming the press for making things worse for Prince Harry’s wife. The “brutal” and “ruthless” British media is reportedly nitpicking Markle more than her sister-in-law Kate Middleton.