Trump Welcomes Court Decision On US-Mexico Border Wall

President Donald Trump on Thursday welcomed a court decision that allows $3.6 billion in military funds to be used to build his signature wall on the US-Mexico border.
"Entire Wall is under construction or getting ready to start!" the president tweeted following the ruling by the Fifth US Circuit Court of Appeals.
A lower court had temporarily blocked the use of the Department of Defense funds for construction of the wall that Trump pledged to build during his campaign for the White House.
Trump's efforts to build a wall along the southwest US border with Mexico to stem illegal immigration have been met with numerous court challenges.
The president declared a national emergency last year and turned to the Pentagon for funding after the House of Representatives refused to allocate all of the money he sought for construction of the wall.
In a statement, the White House described the ruling by the New Orleans-based Fifth Circuit as a "victory for the rule of law."
"The Fifth Circuit has lifted an illegitimate nationwide injunction entered by a lower court, and in doing so has allowed vital border wall construction to move forward using military construction funds," it said.
"We are committed to keeping our borders secure, and we will finish the wall."
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