The US government has announced it is banning most flavored e-cigarettes in a bid to curb the rising tide of youth vaping
The US government has announced it is banning most flavored e-cigarettes in a bid to curb the rising tide of youth vaping. Five more cases were reported by the same Indiana high school that saw nine students hospitalized earlier this month due to vaping-related illnesses. AFPTV / Agnes BUN


  • An Indiana high school reported five more hospitalizations linked to vaping
  • The said high school already reported nine cases earlier this month
  • Three chemicals are being studied in relation to the vaping-related illnesses in the school

The Madison Consolidated High School (MCHS) in Indiana reported five more vaping-related cases after the school already brought nine students to the hospital earlier this month for suspected illnesses linked to e-cigarette smoking.

According to ABC News, three more students and two teachers were hospitalized with suspected illnesses related to vaping. A vaping device was also found in a classroom where the illnesses were believed to have been contracted by the patients.

Principal of MCHS Michael Gasaway explained that the students were brought to the hospital after they showed minor symptoms. The teachers, on the other hand, started feeling sick after they monitored an area in the MCHS C-wing.

The said location is close to where the vaping device was found. The school said it is now disciplining an unnamed student after the vaping device was discovered.

Indiana Resource Officer Tim Armstrong noted that some of the students who were hospitalized “were not breathing” and their hearts “stopped beating.” He added that the situation had the potential to reach a deadly stage.

The Indiana State Department of Toxicology is currently carrying out tests on three chemicals identified by investigators that are believed to have been responsible for the said illnesses developed by the patients.

ABC affiliate WHAS-TV reported that during the investigations on the chemicals in question, School and Safety Coordinator Jacob McVey noted that initial findings indicated more severe reactions were seen in samples with more chemicals.

Investigators are still looking into where the vaping supplies exactly came from. Armstrong also reiterated that if the situation turns “fatal,” the investigative team will hold someone responsible for the incidents.

Aside from Indiana, there are also cases of respiratory illnesses linked to vaping that have been growing over the past few weeks in other states.

Last week, it was revealed that Iowa had 13 vaping-related hospitalization cases, NBC affiliate WHO-DT reported. The matter has caused a high level of concern among heads in local school districts as more and more teens are discovered to be using e-cigarettes and other vaping devices.

The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) has called on public schools and districts to establish updated and stricter policies regarding the use of vaping devices or smoking within school premises or even surrounding areas.

Studies underway at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the link between certain lung illnesses and the use of various vaping products.