US First Lady Melania Trump's 'Be Best' anti-bullying initiative has been a poorly managed flop, according to a new biography, 'Free, Melania'
US First Lady Melania Trump's 'Be Best' anti-bullying initiative has been a poorly managed flop, according to a new biography, 'Free, Melania' AFP / SAUL LOEB


  • Melania Trump's duties and roles as FLOTUS  
  • Melania Trump was mocked for making Be Best campaign all about her
  • Melania Trump and Donald Trump are about to celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary

Melania Trump focuses her time on issues affecting children.

The first lady of the United States is expected to carry out tasks to support her husband’s role as the head of the state. On her part, Melania, who became a household name due to her modeling career, opted to focus her efforts on the young members of the society.

“In her role as First Lady, Mrs. Trump focuses her time on the many issues affecting children,” The White House wrote.

The FLOTUS spends most of her time meeting children at different hospitals and care centers. There was a time when she spent Valentine’s Day at the Children’s Inn at the National Institutes of health and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. She also made a surprise visit to St. Mary’s Medical Center in Palm Beach, Florida on Easter holiday.

One of Melania’s most memorable hospital visits was when she met a boy who had been waiting for a new heart at the Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesu in the Vatican City. When she arrived in Belgium the following day, the FLOTUS was informed that the hospital already found a transplant for the boy and Melania was overjoyed even telling the media, “My own heart is filled with joy over the news.”

Aside from visiting hospitals, the FLOTUS is also fond of visiting schools. Melania has made multiple school visits domestically and internationally. Among the school she visited were Orchard Lake Middle School in Michigan, Excel Academy in Southeast, American International School in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and Kyobashi Tsukiji Elementary School in Japan.

Melania also launched her Be Best campaign that is “focused entirely around the well-being of children.” However, the FLOTUS received backlash after revealing that she started the initiative due to the personal attacks she received. Melania’s critics mocked her for making Be Best all about her.

Melania and President Donald Trump will be celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary on Wednesday. It remains unknown how they will celebrate their new milestone but last year, both the POTUS and FLOTUS didn’t mention it on social media.