Why Did Benjamin Netanyahu Serve Shinzo Abe Dessert In A Shoe?

The confusion and hub-hub following a visit to Israel by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife Akie Abe, should not truly come as a shock to most.
Hosting Japan’s premier, the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara Netanyahu were left with their foot in their mouths after they decided to have celebrity Israeli chef Segev Moshe prepare the menu for the evening.
The gourmet meal may have done justice to the top chef’s repertoire, although the kicker of a dessert that came after left many questioning his artistic sense and cultural sensitivity.
Footwear on the dining table, or for that matter any table is an odd sight, and one should imagine especially so if you are hosting someone from Japan, where the etiquette is not to allow footwear even indoors.
In fact, as one senior Israeli diplomat who had served in Japan pointed out to Yediot Aharonot, an Israeli news agency: "There is nothing more despised in Japanese culture than shoes. Not only do they not enter their houses while wearing shoes, you will not find shoes in their offices, either. Even the prime minister, ministers and members of parliament do not wear shoes to work."
So, you can imagine the surprise when the said dessert, titled “chocolate selection from the world,” came to the table. Segev’s chef-d'œuvre was a selection of chocolates served in a metallic, leather-looking shoe.
So proud was the celebrity chef of his masterpiece, he posted a picture of the occasion on his Instagram.
Yediot Aharonot in its report in Hebrew said Monday: “Japanese diplomats, Israeli Foreign Ministry officials and high-ranking Israeli diplomats who previously served in Japan were shocked by the idea,” the Washington Post said.
The article quoted an unidentified senior Israeli official as calling it “an insensitive decision.”
Distancing itself from the faux pas, Israel’s Foreign Ministry said it was not involved in approving the dishes for the meal. According to the Post report, the initial statement of the ministry said: “We respect and appreciate the chef. He is very creative.”
The statement later added: “We have the utmost respect for the Japanese prime minister.”
Last May, when President Donald Trump visited Israel, Segev’s dessert art was served on a silhouette of a double-headed Trump and Netanyahu.
According to a report by Canadian publication Global News, the anonymous aforementioned Israeli diplomat was quoted drawing a cultural equivalent saying: “It is equivalent to serving a Jewish guest chocolates in a dish shaped like a pig.”
A Japanese diplomat was quoted by the Jerusalem Post pointing out that footwear was not in line of any cultures' dining norms.
“No culture puts shoes on the table. What precisely was this illustrious chef Segev thinking?” the diplomat asked. “I can tell you that we are offended for our prime minister.”
Some of Segev’s Instagram’s followers weren’t supportive of the chef’s recent art. “You’ve made your greatest fiasco ever. The nation will never forget this, Segev. I truly loved you. You should be ashamed,” one user said.
“What a idiot. Next time you have high ranking personal [sic] from INDIA make sure to serve desserts in head of a cow you nitwit,” commented another.
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