'World Of Warcraft: Warlords Of Draenor' Release Date Arrives, Blizzard Releases Day One Patch

“World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor” launched Thursday at midnight, and developer Blizzard Entertainment has already released a day one patch for the massively multiplayer online role-playing game, which is the fifth expansion to the ever-popular “World of Warcraft.”
The patch resolves a number of bugs, including a client crash that often occurs if a character logs out after copying a calendar event, an issue with the skybox flashing on systems with multiple video cards and more.
More details regarding patch 6.0.3 are listed below via the “World of Warcraft” blog:
World Event: Iron Horde Incursion
Characters that have completed the Iron Horde Incursion event can now visit a vendor near their faction's respective beachhead to purchase replacement quest rewards.
Report to the King/Warning the Warchief: Characters with a healing specialization should now be able to select Ironmender's Totem as a quest reward.
Thrall received a reminder that he is currently still on Azeroth.
Character Models
Resolved an issue where certain helmets could incorrectly cause an Undead's jaw to disappear.
Resolved an issue where skin color for Human models were not matching up with their original counterparts.
Resolved an issue that could cause characters to remain disarmed for an extended period of time.
For players queued for Random Battlegrounds, the losing team should be receiving 45 Honor again.
Resolved an issue where Windwalker Monks were unable to craft more than one item at a time using the "Create All" button.
Fire-Watcher's Oath should correctly have a 100 percent chance to grant Bloody Coins on PvP kills once more.
Living Root of the Wildheart's bonus armor provided by Ursine Blessing for Guardian Druids has been toned down to a more reasonable level.
PlayMusic API should now work correctly and be able to play MP3s once more.
PlaySound API should now work correctly and be able to play MP3s once more.
Resolved an issue where quest headers in the Quest Log may become stuck in a collapsed state.
Game settings and macros for characters with names that contain an extended ASCII character should be saving correctly once more for users on Mac OS.
Resolved a number of situations where the mouse cursor can disappear on Mac OS.
Bug Fixes
Resolved an issue where multipassenger vehicles entering your character's viewing area could cause them to be booted to the character selection screen.
Resolved a client crash that can occur if a character logs out after copying a calendar event.
Resolved a Lua error when selecting monitor 3 on systems with multiple video cards.
Resolved a Lua error from using Command+M on the Credits screen on Mac OS.
Resolved an issue with the skybox flashing on systems with multiple video cards.
"World of Warcraft" launched in 2004 and was developed by Irvine, California-based Blizzard Entertainment. It's one of the most popular online multiplayer games in the world, with more than 6.8 million subscribers. “Warlords of Draenor” reached the PC and Mac on Thursday. The game allows players to level up to 100 from the previous cap of 90, and includes new raids and dungeons.
“Warlords of Draenor” was announced last year during BlizzCon 2013, and takes place after the events of “Mists of Pandaria,” the fourth expansion set for “World of Warcraft,” which launched in 2012.
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