The companies behind the game reportedly decided to cancel Wednesday’s launch due to concerns that the hype might overload the game’s servers.
The U.S. vice president dismissed concerns that Republican nominee Donald Trump would abandon Barack Obama’s strategy for Asia-Pacific if he were to defeat Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
Don't believe tales about players catching Mewtwo just yet.
Australia has officially received a "large piece of what is likely to be a wing flap" found last month near Tanzania, according to the Associated Press.
The page created by two boys from the Brighton Grammar School carried pictures of girls, some of whom were as young as 11 or 12, without their knowledge.
ExxonMobil has made a bid worth at least $2.2 billion for InterOil and its stake in a rich Papua New Guinea gasfield, topping an offer from Australia's Oil Search.
Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston went to a private “Ghostbusters” screening with Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo.
The image, captured using just 16 of MeerKAT’s full contingent of 64 dishes, revealed 1,300 galaxies in a tiny corner of the universe where just 70 had been seen before.
The Dutch Safety Board concluded last year that the Boeing 777 was shot down over eastern Ukraine by a Russian-made Buk missile in July 2014.
The famous "Cosmos" scientist shared a book excerpt detailing the time he was pulled over for having new license plates on his car.
Developers have claimed the game's infrastructure can't handle more players in places like Japan.
Malaysian authorities have been accused of delaying, and even cancelling trips to collect potential plane debris found over the last few months.
The hunt for debris was supposed to finish this summer, but now it "may continue well into the winter months," according to an operational update from the authorities.
The French aren't the only ones recognizing Bastille Day Thursday. People in New York City, London and Sydney threw celebrations this week in honor of the national holiday.
A new global study showed that being severely overweight increases the likelihood of a premature death — and men are at greater risk than women.
The conservation group said that the license, which it plans to retire, would save at least 10,000 sharks and protect the Great Barrier Reef from further damage.
The game, which has topped the charts, is now available in the U.K., Germany, the United States, New Zealand and Australia.
If successful, the test would allow patients to preempt and provide treatment for neurological damage, even before the onset of the disease’s symptoms.
Could a vaccine prevent Alzheimer's? Researchers believe they're closer than ever to a cure.
"We are working hard to improve the experience for everyone," game makers said in a statement.
A new diver-operated underwater microscope designed at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego provides “a never-before-seen view of the underwater world.”
Between 2011 and 2013, about 60 miles of the underwater forests are believed to have been wiped out by a marine heat wave.