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A Syrian regime soldier waves the national flag in the town of Tal Tamr as Damascus deploys forces towards the Turkish border

US Slaps Sanctions On Turkey As Syrian Regime Returns To North

The United States slapped sanctions on Turkey Monday as it demanded an end to the deadly incursion against Syrian Kurdish fighters, accusing its NATO partner of putting civilians at risk and allowing the release of Islamic State extremists.The actions came hours after Syrian regime troops returned for the first time in years to northeastern parts of the country, invited by Kurdish fighters desperate for protection as the United States pulls out.
US Republican Senator from Missouri Josh Hawley takes questions from the media in Hong Kong, where he warned the territory was slding towards becoming a police state

US Senator Warns Hong Kong Becoming 'Police State' As Thousands Rally

Hong Kong is sliding towards becoming a police state, US senator Josh Hawley warned Monday, as tens of thousands filled the strife-torn city's streets waving American flags and calling on Washington to punish China over sliding freedoms.The international finance hub was battered by another weekend of unrest as hardcore pro-democracy protesters and police fought running battles with officers warning the violence had now reached "life-threatening levels". rotests pushing for greater democratic freedoms and police accountability have raged for the last 19 weeks and there is little end in sight as Beijing and local leaders refuse concessions.
A movement initially founded on defending Hong Kong's independent judiciary from the authoritarian mainland was now increasingly meting out street justice

Hong Kong Violence Prompts Debate But No Division Among Protesters

Hong Kong's more hardline pro-democracy protesters have embraced increased violence towards private property, businesses and even people, triggering some soul-searching within the movement. But few moderates are willing to abandon their more radical comrades.Even by the standards of Hong Kong's summer of rage, the last fortnight has been brutal.After months of focusing their anger towards police, local government and symbols of Beijing's rule, hardcore protesters went on an unprecedented city-wide vandalism spree after the city's leader invoked emergency powers to ban face masks.


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