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Police clear barricades left by protestors. Clashes between police and activists were less intense than at the start of October when the city was virtually shut down

Multiple Arrests In Hong Kong As "flashmob" Protests Hit Pro-Bejing Targets

Riot police clashed with anti-government protesters across Hong Kong Sunday as masked activists vandalised businesses deemed sympathetic to Beijing in another weekend of chaos in the financial hub.Rallies erupted in multiple neighbourhoods, with some protesters blocking roads, sabotaging train tracks, and trashing pro-China businesses.Police said an officer was taken to hospital after his neck was slashed. Local television networks also broadcast footage of a man beaten bloody by protesters after they found a baton in his bag and suspected him of being an undercover officer.
The Kurdish-controlled but mainly Arab border town of Tal Abyad is one of the areas that have taken the brunt of the Turkish offensive into northeastern Syria, now in its third day

Turkey Vows To Keep Up Syria Assault As US Says Troops Came Under Fire

Battles raged in Syria as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed to press on with a deadly assault against Kurdish forces, while the Pentagon said Friday US troops came under artillery fire from Turkish positions.Erdogan's pledge to keep up the offensive, which the UN says has displaced more than 100,000 people since it began on Wednesday, came as the US Treasury warned President Donald Trump was planning to activate "very powerful" sanctions on Ankara.


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