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Repeating Alien Signal Caused By Star Collisions, New Study Suggests

A team of astronomers revealed in a new study that the source of repeating alien signals could be the aftermath of the collision between two neutron stars. The astronomers noted that these signals, also known as fast radio bursts (FRB), may have been produced by starquakes.
The US House of Representatives is examining whether President Donald Trump abused his office by seeking a corruption probe in Ukraine of 2020 election rival Joe Biden

Democrat Biden Calls For Trump's Impeachment

California Democrat Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, is leading the impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump for alleged abuse of power
Chinese state media accused NBA Commissioner Adam Silver of 'willing to be another handy tool for US interference' after he insisted the league would not apologise for a tweet supporting pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong

China Slams NBA, Apple Over Hong Kong

China on Wednesday slammed NBA commissioner Adam Silver's defence of free speech, cancelling a basketball fan event and lashing him in the state-run press, as Apple was warned it could be the next Western firm punished for supporting democracy protesters in Hong Kong.The NBA had been looking to cement its already huge popularity in the lucrative China market this week with a pair of annual pre-season exhibition games, but those plans were thrown into disarray by a tweet from Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey backing the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.
China is destroying burial grounds where generations of Uighur families have been laid to rest, leaving behind human bones and broken tombs in what activists call an effort to eradicate the ethnic group's identity in Xinjiang

Even In Death, Uighurs Feel Long Reach Of Chinese State

China is destroying burial grounds where generations of Uighur families have been laid to rest, leaving behind human bones and broken tombs in what activists call an effort to eradicate the ethnic group's identity in Xinjiang.In just two years, dozens of cemeteries have been destroyed in the northwest region, according to an AFP investigation with satellite imagery analysts Earthrise Alliance.Some of the graves were cleared with little care -- in Shayar county, AFP journalists saw unearthed human bones left discarded in three sites. In other sites tombs that were reduced to mounds of bricks lay scattered in cleared tracts of land.
Chinese state media accused NBA Commissioner Adam Silver of 'willing to be another handy tool for US interference' after he insisted the league would not apologise for a tweet supporting pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong

Chinese Media Slams NBA's 'About Face' On Hong Kong

Chinese state media accused NBA Commissioner Adam Silver of 'willing to be another handy tool for US interference' after he insisted the league would not apologise for a tweet supporting pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong


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