The blockchain industry is booming in Australia. Could Sydney become a global fintech epicenter?
Hackers earned more than $130,000 and discovered more than 200 vulnerabilities in Hack the Air Force bug bounty program.
The small U.S. territory has been in the crosshairs of the conflict between the U.S. and North Korea.
Despite finally reuniting and being ready to declare their love for one another once more, Chad and Abigail’s happy reunion will be stalled on “Days of Our Lives.”
At the very moment that a car starts moving after being stuck in traffic, the left passenger door of the vehicle swings open and a small kid falls out.
Apple has reportedly decided to just introduce its first OLED iPhone at a later date.
Essential has also announced that it has secured $300 million in funding from Tencent, Foxconn and Amazon.
Facebook's new Watch section will be the home for the company's own live and recorded video programs.
Myra Ali, 29, was detected with a skin condition called epidermolysis bullosa (EB) at the time of her birth. The genetic tissue disorder affects one out of every 20,000 births in the United States.
A 30-foot inflatable chicken with a hairdo similar to that of President Donald Trump appeared near the White House on Wednesday.
A toilet flush at Orlando International Airport in Florida over the weekend reportedly delayed thousands of travelers.
Study finds the number of opioid and heroin deaths are actually higher.
You shouldn't look directly at the sun during an eclipse, just like you shouldn't any other day, it can cause eye damage.
This vaccine helps the body attack cancer in melanoma patients.
The fear for investors is that oversaturation will lead to profit cannibalization for Starbucks.
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson says there's "no reason" marijuana is illegal in the U.S.
Cheetos Meatballs are a real item on the restaurant's menu.
The U.S. and North Korea have been exchanging nuclear threats this week.
A Bakersfield, Calif. man who targeted females and made them send nudes against their will was caught by the FBI through a video booby trap in Dropbox.
The ACLU filed its opening brief in a Supreme Court case that will determine if police can acquire location information from cell phone data without a warrant.
Jill and Derick Dillard are not going back to Central America for their mission trip.
A man found two geckos in his beer can and fell "violently ill."