A Quinnipiac University poll out Thursday revealed that 30 percent of voters thought Ronald Reagan was the best president of the past 70 years.
Filing your income taxes can be done easily and from the comfort of your own home.
She could be the future Princess of England, Patrick J. Adams said.
The rule made it mandatory to bury or cremate of fetal remains, causing an undue burden to women seeking abortions, since hospitals would not dispose of them as bio-medical waste.
Apple could charge a significant premium on iPhones manufactured in the U.S., with customers having to spend as much as $100-200 more for the devices.
The February issue of the magazine shows the first lady wearing jewelry and pretending to eat from a bowl that contains more sparkling objects.
Every year, Chinese families gather from around the world for two weeks at their homes for celebrations and feasts.
Donald Trump may be at odds with Republicans who are not willing to accept spending deals.
The Facebook executive issued the note on his personal page.
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg criticized Trump’s executive order which reinstates the Global Gag Rule, saying it could have “terrible consequences for women and families around the world.”
The Samsung Galaxy S8 release date is expected to be on March 29, while the iPhone 8 is should launch in Fall 2017.
Apple is moving its entire international iTunes business to Ireland, where its European headquarters is located.
The White House issued a statement honoring the "victims, survivors and heroes of the Holocaust."
A 20 percent tax, or a disposal of NAFTA, would raise tariffs on cars, trucks, computers, electrical equipment and agricultural goods, to name a few items.
Trump's executive order on immigration targets "removable aliens," a term which legal scholars say includes legal residents.
Recently confirmed United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley made her first appearance at the international body Friday.
As President Donald Trump looks to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, the costs could balloon past $15 billion.
President Donald Trump's inclusion of Iran on a list of countries restricted for U.S. access comes as Iran welcomes more foreigners.
Friday’s press conference will be a joint presser with U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May, the first foreign leader to visit Trump since he took office.
The president has signed 12 executive orders on issues ranging from trade to oil pipelines, and he has plans to do a lot more.
Eight million people in the United States are expected to suffer from heart failure in the next 13 years.
The first lady's first hire will commute from Manhattan to D.C., just like Melania Trump.