The president has cautioned against immigrants taking American jobs, but the data show a more complex picture.
Kellyanne Conway, a senior aide to President Donald Trump, attributed the record-high Dow Jones to "the Trump effect."
The job comes with some perks, including 51 percent ownership of the company and the ability to set his or her own salary. There's also, “health/dental/vision insurance (while available)” and “access to office pantry with unlimited almonds.”
The dictator could "press the button" and launch a missile at the Californian city, Thae Yong-ho, the former deputy ambassador in London, told the BBC's "Victoria Derbyshire Show."
The entire recall affects more than 184,000 HP laptop batteries.
Donald Trump posted on Twitter that he had a "big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY" late on Tuesday night, prompting widespread concerns over discrimination against Muslim immigrants.
The fast food chain recently announced that it would be giving away thousands of bottles of special sauce in honor of its new Big Mac sizes.
Here are the towns that could feel the financial hurt if President Donald Trump curbs federal funding for so-called sanctuary cities.
The multi-billion dollar project would do little to curb drug trafficking and immigration, experts say.
President Donald Trump was expected to say no to refugees and immigrants from seven countries, five of which the U.S. is bombing.
The DASH diet, the Mediterranean Diet and the MIND diet ranked as the top three diets for 2017.
Compared to the rest of the world, the number of refugees coming to the U.S. is more of a drop than a flow.
The new president may sign another executive order that would funnel more suspected terrorists to the Guantanamo prison and others.
A new video shows Kim Jong Un hugging North Korean officials after an apparent missile launch.
The country is targeting an area the size of France and Italy.
Nearly 40 fires were still burning Tuesday in the South American nation.
The world has heard little from Hillary Clinton after President Donald Trump's election, in contrast to her former opponent Bernie Sanders.
The investigation could yield a fundamental question from Trump's opposition: is he truly a legitimate president?
While it's unclear if Trump is intentionally lying to the American people, he has been called out for lying many times since he launched his campaign for the White House.
The other five individuals who were executed were an Ethiopian, a Bangladeshi, a Philippine and two Egyptians.
The companies will together "nurture" AI, Lee Kyeong-Tae, corporate strategy planning vice-president for Samsung Electronics, told reporters Tuesday.
The Russian cybersecurity company confirmed the December arrest of a senior manager in charge of investigating hacking attacks along with a senior Russian Federal Security Service intelligence officer.