The iPhone maker reportedly disabled its recently introduced News app in China, where online censorship forces hard choices for U.S. companies.
The legality of car-hailing services has vexed regulators in China where authorities say drivers are operating outside the law.
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The company Uncharted Play makes both jump ropes and soccer balls with a megawatt mission: to generate energy aimed at covering power cuts in developing countries.
The U.S. and Japan began working on the Standard Missile (SM)-3 Block IIA missiles in 2006, according to reports.
The Stalinist state marked the 70th anniversary of the ruling Workers' Party with an enormous parade, at which a huge array of military hardware was on display.
The letters, in which a student threatened to kill himself on school campus, were found in the restrooms of Hoover High School in Birmingham.
Sergio Marchionne, the CEO of its parent Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, has designed the initial public offering to cut its debt and help support a $54.5 billion expansion plan.
The move comes as tensions over the two countries' military campaigns in Syria are escalating and the chances of a clash between their respective forces are on the rise.
As China completes lighthouses on disputed islands in the South China Sea, it warns the U.S. against sending its naval vessels into the area.
Local NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox stations in multiple markets went dark Friday after Dish Network Corp. and Tegna Inc. were unable to agree on a new carriage contract.
A U.S. congressional commission's criticism of China's human rights record did not "accord with the facts", the Chinese government said on Friday, the latest friction over a long-running thorn in relations.
The bank prevailed in a suit brought by a former vice president who claimed it ignored red flags about a potential client's fraud.
The Obama administration has cautioned U.S. bankers and foreign governments against rushing to invest in Iranian businesses.
Russia's airstrikes in support of Syrian President Assad are pushing the Obama administration to dial back its support of the rebels.
A new study found that premature births increased in areas with heavy fracking.
Four other carmakers were not accused of installing any software to cheat on the emissions tests, but their diesels spew more pollution than shown in tests.
Calls for an investigation into the bombing of the Doctors Without Borders hospital might also have the effect of boosting monetary support for the group, experts said.
A consultant for one of the largest prison technology firms is facing prison time for paying bribes to a corrections commissioner amidst a major regulatory overhaul
McDonald's, known for high-calorie Big Macs and salty French fries, has especially struggled with how to appeal to health-conscious German consumers.
The GOP presidential candidate hasn't shied away from blunt -- and polarizing -- comments about guns and gun control.
Steven Jones was taken into custody at Northern Arizona University after the student gunned down one person and wounded three others on the northeast end of the Flagstaff campus.