The FIFA ethics committee "did not follow the Code of Ethics and Disciplinary Code," Sepp Blatter's lawyers said in a statement.
New enhanced edition offers artwork, animation, and annotations from the author.
The Canadian Department of Defense said hacking a truck is a concern because driver safety is at risk.
"There are signs of short-range projectile firing," North Korea's Defense Minister Han Min-koo said in a parliamentary session Thursday.
"Reality has always attracted me like a magnet; it tortured and hypnotized me" -- Svetlana Alexievich.
Samsung said that the incident, which happened in March and was uncovered only in August, was dealt with "immediately and comprehensively."
Former school principal George Kenney hypnotized about 75 students, school staff and others from 2006 until April 2011.
Amazon has launched a new service called Handmade to allow people sell their handcrafted products to the online giant's 250 million users.
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Thursday that the alliance is "ready and able to defend all allies, including Turkey against any threats."
Sony has dropped the price of its PlayStation 4 console in the U.S. by $50 to $349, bringing it in line with the price of the Xbox One in time for the holiday season.
Pyongyang is believed to have nuclear weapons that could be miniaturized to fit on a rocket and reach American shores.
The agreement, details of which have not been made public, aims to avert a possible strike action by the union's approximately 40,000 members working for the company.
Chinese stocks rebounded, taking heart from the slowing pace of the fall in reserves, as investors returned to the markets after a week-long break.
Michael Horn, who said he was made aware of “possible emissions non-compliance” in early 2014, will testify before a Congressional committee Thursday.
Poor Muslims in the region may be ideal targets for radical groups looking to recruit for deployment abroad.
The bombing targeted a house in Sanban, in Dhamar province, about 70 miles southeast of capital Sanaa, which is controlled by Houthis.
Fighting between the Russian-backed Syrian army and U.S.-backed rebels seemed like a U.S.-Russia proxy war.
Hillary Clinton's reversal on the Trans-Pacific Partnership on Wednesday was reminiscent of her past shifts on NAFTA and the Colombia Free Trade Agreement.
Critics reacted to the media mogul's Twitter commentary by questioning his qualifications for speaking for African-Americans.
A proposed gas line through Turkey to Europe is among the plans that could be affected by Russian attacks in Syria.
Even though people are entitled to their beliefs, this does not excuse them from breaking the law, the Democratic candidate said Wednesday.
North American’s largest hardwood floor seller agrees to plead guilty and pay a fine over importing Russian wood harvested illegally.