In other polls, Trump's support has dropped since a Sept. 16 debate, but Club For Growth's report is the first since late July that did not find Trump to be No. 1.
Around three-quarters of Fortune 500 companies take advantage of tax havens abroad.
The social networking company's Brian Boland chats with International Business Times about a tool that rewards advertisers for sales, not clicks.
“Regrettably, the Toyota Land Cruiser and Hilux have effectively become almost part of the ISIS brand.”
A recent study found that 37 percent of 812 school threats between August and December 2014 were sent electronically.
Customers had long been asking that Egg McMuffins and other items be available all day. With overall sales sagging, the restaurant chain finally listened.
China hopes to reach the apex of its greenhouse gas emissions early so the country can address health and economic problems going forward.
In a YouTube video, a former Ukrainian minister has launched a campaign to have his named removed from the EU's list of sanctioned individuals.
The Senate voted to advance the National Defense Authorization Act conference report Tuesday under the threat of a veto from President Barack Obama.
Inmates will be released from federal prisons across the country between Oct. 30 and Nov. 2, in order to reduce overcrowding.
The activists have been trying to get a meeting with the bank president since the Fed's summer retreat in Wyoming.
The Microsoft fitness tracker can last up to 48 hours on a single charge. Here's how it measures up to others in the market.
Gen. John Campbell, commander of U.S. forces, told the Senate that Afghan forces cannot yet fight against the Taliban on their own.
Six of the top financial institutions in the U.S. together used nearly 400 recognized tax havens in 2014. Their offshore cash totaled $126 billion.
Trump has previously said Mexican immigrants were in many cases "criminals, drug dealers [and] rapists."
The planned Japanese-built train would take passengers between the two Texas cities in just 90 minutes.
Instead of adhering to a single privacy rule, U.S. tech companies may now need to negotiate with each country in Europe.
Prescription drugs were costlier for chronically ill patients under the Affordable Car Act, a study showed, but some said the comparison was unfair.
Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said the weekend incursions "lasted a long time" and Russia "had not provided any real explanation."
Many OPEC members have had deficits this year trying to compete with the United States' share of the oil market.
Experts say the Nobel prize for Dr. Tu Youyou breaks a psychological barrier, but systemic challenges remain.
The warning comes at a time when North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has called on the country to increase its nuclear capabilities even as it faces sanctions.