Approximately 4,500 employees are expected to join Zebra when the transaction is complete.
The European Union has broadened its sanctions against Russia while the U.S. is “seriously considering" adding more sanctions.
Intel Corporation and Yahoo! Inc. both reported fiscal first-quarter earnings after U.S. markets closed on Tuesday.
Revenue, excluding fees paid to partner websites, was $1.087 billion in the first quarter compared to $1.074 billion in the year ago period.
Some retailers have indicated that they will be selling the electric blue and copper gold Galaxy s5 color options.
Netflix revealed broadband speeds for the major ISPs and not surprisingly, Cablevision Optimum topped the list; Comcast's speeds, however, are surprising.
Despite Western sanctions capping its oil exports, Iran is negotiating a deal with Russia to export up to 500,000 barrels per day.
Add Herman Cain to the list of conservatives who believe the incident may have been a calculated move by Hillary Clinton.
Envoys from Russia, Ukraine, the European Union and the United States are scheduled to meet Thursday to discuss the Ukraine crisis.
Now that the Samsung Galaxy S5 is available the Samsung Galaxy S4 is becoming increasingly more affordable.
Google made the futuristic smart glasses available to the public for the first time, but only for one day.
European Union diplomats said there was little prospect of a special summit to discuss additional sanctions because positions are so far apart.
The most serious East-West crisis since the end of the Cold War shows no signs of de-escalating.
In the 12 months through March, the core inflation rate, which excludes often-volatile food and energy prices, rose just 1.7%.
The device is programmed to fly about 100 feet above the ocean floor and look for signs of wreckage of the missing plane.
Quarterly earnings, data on inflation and housing, and opening remarks from Janet Yellen at a Fed conference should influence markets.
Separatist groups that favor Russia have taken over Ukrainian government buildings in Donetsk, Lugansk, Kharkov and Slavyansk.
The end of support from Microsoft for its Windows XP operating system possibly played a role in easing the decline of PC shipments.
Chinese say the president's call is a response to US ambitions in space.
The interim government has yet to follow through with promises to use military might to retake eastern Ukraine.
Hamid Abutalebi is accused of taking part in the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1979.
Read Snowden's full statement on the Guardian-Washington Post prize.