Concerns over Ukraine should rein in the market rally, keeping stocks in a range until economic data provide direction.
Asia Pacific is the only region that saw an increase in defense budgets between 2009 and 2014, while the world’s total saw annual declines.
Despite being a minor update, the firmware includes fixes for some bugs, while also managing to increase battery life.
The Streaming Stick is more expensive than Chromecast, but it comes with access to more content.
The U.S. was concerned about a compulsory license given to India-based Natco Pharma to produce a cheaper cancer drug than Bayer's Nexavar.
Khloe Kardashian reportedly wanted people who had access to the house to take lie-detector tests.
The S&P 500 rose 1.5 percent -- its biggest gain this year -- nailing an all-time high of 1,873.91 at 4 p.m. in New York.
Every foreign policy must be totally debated and the ‘loyal opposition’ is under special obligation to see that this occurs.”
Among the new ideas - a bed mandate reduction and keeping a program to deputize local and state law enforcement in the immigration process.
To livestream the iTunes Festival 2014, iPhones may have to update to the latest version of the mobile operating system, iOS 7.1, which has yet to be released.
Paul is working to introduce a bill that would allow him to return to his Senate seat if he doesn't become president in 2016.
Soldiers don't have to wear national insignia to conform to the laws of war, if they still clearly look like soldiers.
Here are rules and guidelines for fasting and abstinence throughout Lent.
The former U.S. embassy in Tehran is a bizarre, must-see tourist site and a focal point for enduring anti-American sentiment.
Facebook is looking to extend the range of its social network by beaming the Internet from flying drones into less developed countries.
NASA has announced the $17.5 billion budget proposal for fiscal 2015.
After much doubt, the United States’ friendly with Ukraine will go ahead in Cyprus as Jurgen Klinsmann continues his preparations for the World Cup.
U.S. diplomatic cables reveal that Ukraine appealed for support against Russian aggression years ago.
Thailand's billion-dollar seafood export industry charged with relying on slavery and human trafficking.
Paczki Day, a holiday celebrated in large Polish communities across the United States on Fat Tuesday, revolves around a small jelly-filled doughnut.
Former Gov. Palin has criticized President Obama's weak image in the face of Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
Four weeks after its '80s-themed Super Bowl ad went viral, the Texas-based retailer released grim fourth-quarter earnings. Layoffs are expected.