One of the controversial shirts depicts a woman in a bikini next to the text: "Lookin' to score?"
Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va), Wednesday, called for a complete federal ban on the cryptocurrency bitcoin following the fall of the bitcoin exchange MtGox.
Robin Thicke and Paula Patton announced their decision to separate on Monday, and Thicke is thanking his fans for their support.
Visual effects professionals say aggressive tax subsidies are destroying the industry, and they’re rallying on Sunday to voice their opposition.
A Republican congressman has an idea for tax reform that went over well with businesses. But it may be a nonstarter in Congress.
What's more, some expect the Samsung Galaxy S5 to retail for $199-$240 on-contract.
FarmLogs helps farmers optimize harvests with modern mobile technology.
Carly Rae Jepsen is a singer/song writer who can now add Broadway star to her list of achievements as we talked to the star in NYC about fame and the future.
An intelligence-gathering program born in Arab Spring has watchers worried the country is headed back in the direction where the trouble began.
Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands are just a few countries rethinking their aid to Uganda after its president signed a law persecuting homosexuality.
Sergio Millian, the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce president, talks about why Russia's energy ministry wants to partner with the U.S.
King Digital Entertainment abandoned its application to trademark the word "Candy" earlier this week.
One nation rules when it comes to satisfied and happy retirees. And, no, it's not the United States.
Ways to spot, treat and prevent streptobacillus moniliformis, also known as rat-bite fever.
Gold demand rose the third fastest in the world in Turkey in 2013, for consumers.
As part of the FCC's Measuring Broadband America initiative, the regulatory agency expanded its FCC Speed Test app to the Apple iOS platform on Tuesday.
Singers Katy Perry and John Mayer have reportedly split after two years of dating.
Mere features may not be enough to entice consumers at a time when the market is saturated by smartphone options.
A couple walking their dog stumbled upon hundreds of gold coins from the nineteenth century, and mostly minted in San Francisco.
Boko Haram, whose name means “western education is sinful,” also reportedly burned down 24 buildings at the school.
Obama recently declared that he will be using more executive action if Congress stalls his agenda.
State-owned banks headed by women control 45 percent of all of India's public sector bank deposits and 50 percent of all loans.