Despite improvements in the housing market, 6.4 million U.S. homeowners still owed more on their homes than what they're worth, CoreLogic said.
Brazil's reaction to Edward Snowden's open letter was not the surge of anti-American sentiment the NSA leaker might have expected.
A roundup of all the winter TV premieres and finales for January and February 2014.
While the fictional Walter White went out in a blaze of glory, his Montana namesake got a 12-year prison sentence for meth dealing.
In the first nine months, Thai tourism receipts grew more than any other country's, but the recent protests could cause that number to plummet.
At the conclusion of an important economic meeting in Beijing, China is targeting six areas that need help.
Terri Lynn Land, who hopes to take over Sen. Carl Levin's vacant seat in 2014, has not yet commented on Michigan's "rape insurance" law.
George Zimmerman has taken up painting since his acquittal on murder and manslaughter charges in the killing of Trayvon Martin.
Find out the update status of your Android device according to carrier and manufacturer.
A new survey found 71 percent of Chinese gauge their success by the things they own.
Banks were better cushioned with capital to withstand financial losses, a new report states.
As the sector experiences its biggest boom in years, the job share held by females dropped to 27% -- the lowest rate since 1971.
National Maple Syrup Day in the U.S. is on Dec. 17. Here are five ways to indulge in the sweet syrup.
The banks are likely to secure a plea deal with Washington regarding tax-evasion accounts info, but some are warning their U.S. clients first.
Tesco, which is to close its unprofitable stores in Japan and the United States, seems to think India offers huge potential.
Snowden continues his fight against political espionage that he interprets as violating civil and human rights.
The tablet's prospects were not great in the Chinese market, but it has outperformed expectations in its first six months.
Foreign investors didn't shy away from U.S. Treasuries during the government shutdown and the threat to default in October.
In just a few years, Instagram has become the de facto standard for social online photo sharing. Take a look at some of the best 2013 moments captured by Instagram users.
Luxembourg's unique tax code allows some firms to look better than they actually are.
Three studies add to the evidence that vitamin pills and mineral supplements do not prevent diseases or make people healthier.
Will the move annoy users enough to log-off the social network?