Students and others smoke marijuana at a pro-marijuana rally at the University of Colorado in Boulder

Marijuana Tourism Still Hazy After Legalization In Colorado, Washington

Two states with some of the most beautiful natural features in America now have another green attraction point for tourists: The marijuana-legalization measures approved by voters in Colorado and Washington last week make it OK for adults 21 and older to possess small amounts of grass -- not only resident adults but also visiting adults.
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Pentagon Releases Benghazi Timeline

The Pentagon released Friday a timeline of the events that transpired on the night of Sept. 11 in Benghazi which stated that top U.S. defense officials were notified of the attack within an hour of the initial assault on the consulate but assistance could be mobilized only after another hour.
Apple iPad Mini

Apple iPad Mini Shipments To Start In 5 Days, Confirms Company

For all those customers in the U.S., who have been impatiently waiting for the Wi-Fi + Cellular version of the all new 7.9-inch iPad mini, here is some good news straight from the horse’s mouth. Apple has confirmed via emails to its customers Friday that the Wi-Fi + Cellular variant of the mini tablet will be shipped to the customers who had pre-ordered it within the next five business days.
An auto manufacturing plant in China

Global Economic Recovery Unlikely In Q4

The global economy continues to recover at a subdued rate at the beginning of the fourth quarter with the growth in the service industries remaining undermined by the contraction in the manufacturing sector.
Donald Trump

Donald Trump Has 'No Regrets' About Election Night Twitter Meltdown

After Barack Obama gained a second term in office as a result of the U.S. presidential election Tuesday, business magnate and reality-television star Donald Trump went on a lengthy Twitter rant, calling in part for a revolution against Obama. Now, in an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek, Trump revealed he has “no regrets” about the rant.
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Newspaper Publishers To Google: Pay Up

Lawmakers in Germany, France and Italy are considering measures that would force Google to pay newspaper publishers for including their content in its search results.
Abraham Lincoln

Daniel Day-Lewis As 'Lincoln' Has Reviewers Glowing Over Movie, 'Team of Rivals' Book

Daniel Day-Lewis has been at the center of speculation as a potential Academy Award winner as the best actor in a leading role ever since the first “Lincoln” trailer hit the Internet. However, the actor's inspiration in portraying Abraham Lincoln may have come more from “Team of Rivals,” the biography on which “Lincoln” is based, than from historical lore.


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