Under a compromise struck this weekend, American troops in Afghanistan will step back to a supporting role in nighttime raids that have infuriated Afghans .
Setting conditions before the meeting means drawing conclusions, which is completely meaningless, Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said, referring to discussions set for Saturday in Turkey with the so-called P-5 Plus 1 group.
Major stock indexes were set to open about 1 percent lower on Monday after last week's much weaker-than-expected report on March U.S. job creation.
Stock index futures traded lower on Monday after last week's much weaker-than-expected report on U.S. job creation for March.
More than 40,000 employees at AT&T Inc will keep working under the terms of an expired labor contract while their union continues negotiations with the telephone company, averting a potentially costly strike for now.
U.S. stock index futures traded lower on Monday after last week's much weaker-than-expected report on U.S. job creation for March.
U.S. stock index futures traded lower on Monday after last week's much weaker-than-expected report on U.S. job creation for March.
The activist hacker group Anonymous plans to launch further attacks on Chinese government websites in a bid to uncover corruption and lobby for human rights, a member of the group said on Monday.
Negative attitude towards homosexuality is likely to be more pronounced among individuals who harbor unacknowledged attraction towards the same sex, and who grew up in conservative authoritarian households which forbade such desires, a series of psychology studies have found.
Futures on major US indices point to a lower opening Monday after US non-farm payrolls data showed that the world's biggest economy added fewer-than-expected jobs in March.
Asian stock markets declined for the fourth day on Monday as weaker-than-expected US employment report raised concerns about the strength of recovery in the world’s biggest economy.
Consumer electronics and entertainment giant Sony is letting go 10,000 employees, a sixth of its total workforce, in an effort to concentrate resources on core business and bring the company back to black.
Millions of Internet users in Iran will be permanently denied access to the World Wide Web and cut off from popular social networking sites and email services, as the government has announced its plans to establish a national Intranet within five months.
As India takes small steps toward overhauling its lumbering higher-education system, U.S. colleges and universities want a part of the action. Now a new chapter is being written and the authors are the Obama and Singh administrations.
Pet owners in the US are looking at the lower-cost option of cremation rather than burial of their deceased pets as the economic downturn continues to affect them.
“Price hikes at the pump have been losing steam for weeks. ... Crude oil prices have slipped and if they don’t rebound in the very near future, gasoline prices will peak very soon, if they haven’t already,” said Trilby Lundberg, president of Lundberg Survey Inc.
Premier Wen Jiabao recently said China's consumer price inflation target for the year would be around 4 percent. On Friday, data on first-quarter gross domestic product should indicate if any change in monetary policy is needed.
Proceeds of initial public offerings listed in the United States were relatively light in the first quarter, but they are likely to get absolutely heavier in the second quarter -- especially should Facebook Inc. conduct its anticipated $5 billion IPO in May.
The United States and Afghanistan signed a deal Sunday giving the Afghans control over night military operations, resolving a major source of friction between President Hamid Karzai and Washington.
Some of the world's most prominent central bankers may have to hope the pen is as mighty as the sword.
Sometimes a little bit of inflation is not such a bad thing. In the United States, prices starting to creep upward shows the deep wounds from the credit crisis are slowly healing and the U.S. economy is well on the road to recovery.
Technology investors are about to endure the quarterly torrent of earnings reports, starting Thursday with Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) and escalating next week with other top names.