One Direction

One Direction 'What Makes You Beautiful' SNL Performance [VIDEO]

One Direction, known as 1D to their legions of fans (who call themselves directions) performed on Saturday Night Live on April 7 in the middle of a North America Tour. Watch a video of the band playing and singing their hit single What Makes You Beautiful here.
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90% Of China’s Super-Rich Want To Send Children Abroad

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Samsung  Windows Phones

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New iPad 3

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Housing secretary pushes mortgage write-downs

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Political spending on TV ads may be posted online

U.S. regulators on Friday proposed a rule that would move television broadcasters' public files to the Internet, making it easier to access information about political spending on TV advertising.
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Treasury freezes pay for CEOs at Ally Financial, GM, AIG

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Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Obama's Message To Iran: Civilian Nukes Could Be OK

President Barack Obama reportedly sent a message to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, via Turkey's prime minister, saying the United States would accept a civilian nuclear program in the Islamic republic.


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