Sprint, T-Mobile

AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile Sued by Intellectual Ventures

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court of Delaware, accused each company of violating 15 different patents related to wireless network services, both individually and through interoperability agreements among the wireless carriers.
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The Cobra Nav One 5000 portable mobile navigation system is displayed at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Unveiled event in Las Vegas, Nevada January 5, 2008.

Distracted Driving: The Dept. of Transportation's Attempt to Curb a 'Dangerous and Deadly Habit'

The United States Department of Transportation on Thursday released the first potential federal guidelines that entice automakers to reduce potential distractions for drivers in cars. U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said the voluntary guidelines would be enforced in areas of in-car electronics, entertainment communications and navigation systems that are not necessary for a vehicle's operation.
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Beer Pong Beer: 3 Things to Know About the New Brew

Long gone are the days where you'll have to reach for the Keystone to fill your red Solo cups. Pong Beer is the latest beer to satisfy all your beer pong needs...its name practically says it. Here are three things to know about this sport inspired beverage.
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U.S. officials urge Europe to deal with its crisis

Europe needs to take the reins to tackle its debt crisis and prevent a spread that could damage the global economy, senior U.S. officials said on Thursday, as they stressed that more funding from international lenders is not what Europe needs.
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Intellectual Ventures sues three U.S. mobile telcos

Feb 16, Reuters - Intellectual Ventures, a privately held patent holding company co-founded by a former Microsoft Corp executive, sued three of the four top U.S. mobile providers for patent infringement.
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Limits sought on electronic driver distractions

The Obama administration wants limits on vehicle features that allow drivers to text and make cellphone calls while the car is moving, the centerpiece of a broader effort to curb distracted driving.


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