GE's Rice sees China growth slowing in 2012

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General Electric Co believes China's economy, a key source of revenue growth for the largest U.S. conglomerate, will slow this year but not substantially below 8 percent, said the executive who runs the company's international operations.
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Apple tweaks apps policy under lawmaker pressure

Under pressure from U.S. legislators, Apple Inc moved Wednesday to quell a swelling privacy controversy by saying that it will begin to require iPhone and iPad apps to seek explicit approval in separate user prompts before accessing users' address book data.
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Apple falls, and Wall Street follows

Stocks fell on Wednesday for the third session in four, with market direction largely dictated by the swings in shares of Apple, the largest company in the world.
Prof Malcolm Gillies wants parts of London Metropolitan University campus to be alcohol-free

World Health Organization: Should Alcohol Be Considered a Global Health Crisis?

University of Oxford professor Devi Sridhar, a lecturer in global health politics, is calling on the World Health Organization (WHO) to begin regulating alcohol use worldwide. About 2.5 million deaths a year, almost 4 percent of all deaths worldwide, are attributed to alcohol - more than the number of deaths caused by HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis or malaria, Sridhar wrote in Nature, the science journal.
U.S. President Barack Obama listens to China's Vice President Xi Jinping during their meeting in Washington

Xi Jinping Defends China's Human Rights Record

Xi Jinping defended China's human rights record during his meeting with President Barack Obama on Wednesday. The Chinese Vice President admitted that his country could do more in the area, but added that the United States should respect China's human rights developments.
Avastin fake

FDA Warning on Fake Cancer Drug Avastin: How to Tell Counterfeit From Real

Roche and Genentech, the makers of Avastin, a cancer drug, are warning doctors and patients that a counterfeit version of their drug labeled Avastin (bevacizumab) is circulating the United States. A press statement on the Genentech website explains that the counterfeit products are not safe or effective. A chemical analysis of the counterfeit drug discovered that the products do not contain the active ingredients for Avastin.
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Apple asked about iPhone privacy by legislators

U.S. legislators on Wednesday sought more information from Apple Inc regarding its privacy policies, pulling the iPhone manufacturer into a swelling controversy over how developers on its popular iOS mobile platform have been able to access users' private address book data.
World Bank President Zoellick attends a session at the World Economic Forum in Davos

World Bank President? 5 Picks for Obama

President Barack Obama has the chance to change world economic development when he selects the next President of the World Bank, the outgrowth of World War II-era plans to use rich counties to spearhead economic growth.
U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke

Fed Minutes Reveal Accord on Low Rates, Split on Bond-Buying

Minutes of the Federal Reserve Board's January meeting confirm that current board governors are divided on engaging in another round of bond purchasing, but they also portrayed the central bank leaders as agreed on the propriety of ultra-low interest rates.
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Citigroup Pays $158M in Mortgage Fraud Pact

Citigroup Inc has agreed to pay $158.3 million to settle U.S. civil claims that it defrauded the government into insuring thousands of risky home loans made by its CitiMortgage unit.


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