British PM in limbo after MPs reject his Brexit plan, elections

Johnson has vowed to take Britain out of the EU whether or not a divorce deal with Brussels is in place
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government was left in limbo on Wednesday after MPs voted to derail his Brexit plan and rejected his call for an early election to break the political deadlock.Just six weeks after taking office, Johnson lost his majority in the House of Commons as his own MPs joined opposition parties to stop him taking Britain out of the EU next month without a deal.On Wednesday evening, they approved a bill that could force Johnson to delay Brexit to January or even later if he cannot agree exit terms with Brussels in time.
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Lesotho-based company Medigrow cultivates cannabis legally for the medical marijuana industry

Lesotho, Africa's medical cannabis pioneer

Vast white greenhouses sit high up on the slopes of Lesotho's Marakabei town, hidden from view.It's not fruit or vegetables, however, growing under the 18 plastic covers, but thousands of cannabis plants.The cannabis is grown legally by the Lesotho-based company Medigrow and is regulated by the government."We have three rows that contain 1,200 plants each. That's 3,600 plants across the whole structure," said Medigrow's head of production Albert Theron, gazing proudly over the crop.


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